Traducción para "advertirle" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Durante varios días se hicieron también anuncios por radio al público para advertirle acerca de un ataque contra Hizbollah.
For several days, radio announcements were also made to the public warning of a strike against Hizbullah.
Sin embargo, esto no es en absoluto lo mismo que señalar a esos responsables, denunciarlos, disuadirlos o advertirlos, aislarlos y castigarlos.
But this is absolutely not the same as naming those perpetrators, shaming them, dissuading or warning them, isolating and punishing them.
El órgano que realiza la entrevista debe explicar al testigo la necesidad de que el testimonio sea verídico, sin advertirle sobre su responsabilidad penal.
The body conducting the interview should explain to the witness the need to give true testimony, without warning him/her of his/her legal liability.
Seguro que no. ¿No compartimos acaso con ustedes al comienzo del proceso esa regla de oro para advertirles lo que nos esperaba?
Didn't we share that golden rule with you at the start of the process to warn you what it would look like?
También debe servir para advertirles que no pueden consolarse con la posibilidad de que no cooperemos con el Tribunal o no le prestemos asistencia.
It should also serve to warn them that they cannot take consolation in the possibility of our failure to cooperate with or render assistance to the Tribunal.
Las tropas del Ejército del Líbano los vieron y usaron altavoces para advertirles que debían retirarse del territorio libanés.
This action was observed by Lebanese Army troops, who used loudspeakers to warn them that they must withdraw from Lebanese territory.
Está dirigido a enseñar a los niños a utilizar la imagen de la mascota de la policía -el perro Sznupek- para advertirlos del peligro.
It is aimed at educating the children using the image of the mascot of the Silesian Police - Sznupek the dog, in order to warn the children from danger.
No ha habido ningún indicio de depuración étnica ni se han formulado acusaciones al respecto, pero, en vista de la experiencia en otras partes, hay que advertirlo.
There had been no indication of ethnic cleansing and no accusations were being made but in the light of experience elsewhere, the warning had to be given.
Tengo que advertirles.
I must warn him.
- ¡Tenemos que advertirles!
- Let's warn them.
Tengo que advertirle...
I have to warn...
- Traté de advertirle.
- Trat? to warn.
- ¿Por qué advertirle?
- Why warn him?
Tratamos de advertirles.
Tried to warn you.
– Pero debo advertirle.
- - I must warn you.
Tenía que advertirle.
She had to warn him.
Pero si hay que advertirlos.
They have to be warned.
—¿No vas a advertirlo?
Will you warn him?
¿Había tratado de advertirle?
Was she trying to warn him?
Sería conveniente advertirla.
It would be wiser to warn her.
—Estuve a punto de advertirle.
I was on the point of warning you.
—Deseaba advertirle a usted.
I wanted to warn you.
—Quizá quería advertirle.
       'Or he wanted to warn you.
He venido para advertirle.
I have come here to warn you.
Es mi deber advertirle que... —No, no, Mr.
It is my duty to warn you–" "No, no, Mr.
Sin embargo, debo advertirles que…
However, I must warn you that …
¡Nosotros fuimos los que intentamos advertirles!
We were the very ones who tried to warn you!
—He venido para advertirle que la policía…
       'I came here to warn you that the police...'
Así que permítame advertirle
So just let me warn you-
Pero sólo para advertirle a usted, ¡para detenerlo!
But only to warn you, to stop you!
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