Traducción para "stata acquisita" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Caposquadra, la posizione del bersaglio è stata acquisita.
Team Leader, the target location has been acquired.
Hanno dichiarato il fallimento, ma precedentemente alla bancarotta la United Technologies era stata acquisita dalla T.E. Capital.
They did file for Chapter 11, but prior to bankruptcy, United Technologies was acquired by T.E. Capital.
L'Arcadia e' stata acquisita dalla Verax tre anni fa.
Arcadia was acquired by Verax three years ago.
Dopo di che, ha gestito la Turnwire per quattro anni finche' non e' stata acquisita dalla Microsoft per...
After that, he ran Turnwire for four years until it was acquired by Microsoft for $2 billion.
Potrei aver bisogno di dimostrare in tribunale che quella terra e' stata acquisita tramite contratto e non conquista.
I may need to prove to a tribunal that the land was acquired by treaty and not by conquest.
Tuttavia, in questo caso, nel tempo in cui siete stati formalmente sposati, quindi per oltre due anni, nessuna proprietà comune è stata acquisita.
However, in this case, during the time that you were formally married, which was just over two years? no common property was acquired.
Non e' ancora possibile dimostrare come sia stata acquisita la malattia, ma ho trovato questo curioso taglio sul dito.
It's not yet possible to prove how the disease was acquired, but I did find this curious cut on his finger.
Non fa che aumentare il mistero non solo di come, ma anche del perche' sia stata acquisita.
It only adds to the mystery of not only how, but why, it was acquired.
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