Traducción para "shelley era" a ingles
Shelley era
Ejemplos de traducción
- Poi hai scoperto che Shelley era un uomo, eh?
Turns out Shelley was a dude, huh? Yep.
Shelley era il suo bersaglio preferito.
Shelley was their favorite target.
Il fatto e' che Shelley era proprio un osso duro, e ci sono voluti tipo... non so, due anni, per arrivare a capire.
The thing about shelley was, well, she's such A... a tough cookie. But it took us... I don't know, two years... to figure it out.
Francine ha sentito un rumore ed è corsa nel bagno, Shelley era caduta nella vasca.
Francine heard something and ran into the bathroom, and Shelley was slumped in the... in the ... in the tub.
Shelley era veramente adorabile.
Shelley was super sweet.
Shelley era la sua tartaruga.
-Shelley was his turtle. -Turtle?
Shelley era una ragazza molto attraente.
Shelley was an attractive young woman.
Shelley era con lui la sera in cui è morta.
shelley was with him the night she died.
Shelley era la figlia migliore che ogni genitore avrebbe potuto desiderare.
Shelley was the best daughter any parent could ever want.
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