Traducción para "quale ordine" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
La sceneggiatura stabiliva I'inizio, la progressione degli eventi le loro consequenze e la fine ma non sapevamo in quale ordine avremmo girato le scene e neanche volevamo saperlo.
We had a screenplay with the beginning, the progression of the events the consequences and the end but we didn't know in which order we could shoot it and we didn't want to know it.
In quale ordine sono i seguenti numeri?
In which order are the following numbers?
In quale ordine, signore?
In which order, Lord?
Cosa importa in quale ordine è successo?
Does it matter which order that happens?
Forse tutte e tre le cose. Ma non vorrei indovinare in quale ordine.
Probably all three, though I wouldn't wanna predict in what order.
Non devi dirmi chi ti faresti, ma in quale ordine te le faresti?
Not who would you do, but in what order would you do them?
A quale ordine avete detto di appartenere, ragazze?
What order did you girls say you were from again?
E poi magari sta pensando a cosa amputeremo prima, e in quale ordine.
Then maybe he's thinking about what we will cut off, huh? And in what order.
Questo minerale sdraiato o in posizione verticale, ... A quale ordine appartiene?
This mineral, standing or fallen, what order does it belong?
A quale ordine appartiene?
To what order do you belong?
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