Traducción para "lupi erano" a ingles
Lupi erano
Ejemplos de traducción
I suoi lupi erano al servizio della Wehrmacht.
His wolves were in the service of the Wehrmacht.
Si sa quanti lupi c'erano al momento dell'attacco?
Do you know how many wolves - were involved in the attack?
Mi hai drogato. I lupi erano là.
You drugged me. The wolves were there the night my family was murdered.
Le blatte erano solo una seccatura per gli uomini ma i lupi erano il loro terrore.
cockroaches were only a nuisance to humans, but wolves were a terror.
Molto tempo fa, le streghe ed i lupi erano in pace.
Long ago, the witches and the wolves were at peace.
- Quanti lupi erano?
How many wolves were?
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