Traducción para "filemone" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Il filtro di Filemone rileva energia biochimica.
The Philemon Filter detects biochemical energy.
Fausto aveva dei vicini di nome Filemone e Bauci la cui rumorosa baldoria a qualsiasi ora del giorno e della notte risultava ostentata e provocatoria.
Faust had some neighbors named Philemon and Baucis, whose noisy revelry at any hour of the day, and at night, was showy and provocative.
Mio figlio, Filemone, deve sposarsi.
My son, Philemon, is due to marry.
Filemone non si sposa piu'.
Philemon isn't getting married.
Hai preso troppo sole, Filemone.
You've had too much sun, Philemon.
Sono d'accordo con Filemone.
I agree with Philemon.
Dove e da chi e' stata scritta la lettera a Filemone? Da San Paolo in prigione.
Where was the Epistle of Philemon written and by who, whom?
Nemmeno la fragorosa baldoria di Filemone e Bauci riusciva a distrarre Fausto dalle sue meditazioni.
Not even the thunderous revelry of Philemon and Baucis could succeed in pulling Faust out of his meditations.
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