Traducción para "a sudbury" a ingles
A sudbury
  • to sudbury
  • in sudbury
Ejemplos de traducción
to sudbury
Porta McNally a Sudbury per me.
Take McNally up to Sudbury for me.
Perderemo la scommessa se andremo a piedi fino a Sudbury.
We lose the bet, if we should walk to Sudbury.
Siamo andati a Sudbury.
We went to Sudbury. Oh, yeah, I forgot.
Si', voglio che tu vada fino a Sudbury.
Yes, I want you to goall the way out to sudbury.
Pensavo che mi avreste rispedito a Sudbury.
I thought you were gonna ship me back to Sudbury.
Siete mai stati a Sudbury?
Have you ever been to Sudbury?
McNally, sei la sola recluta ad aver passato la ricertificazione... a malapena, e come ricompensa andrai a Sudbury.
McNally, you were the only rookie to be re-certified... barely, and as a reward, I'm sending you to Sudbury.
in sudbury
La adoravano a Sudbury.
They loved her in Sudbury.
Ho sentito che sei cresciuta a Sudbury.
So I hear you grew up in Sudbury.
Il duplice omicidio nel seminterrato, il testimone che Swarek e McNally devono prendere a Sudbury.
The basement double murder, the witness Swarek and McNally are picking up in Sudbury...
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