Traducción para "were arrested" a italiano
Ejemplos de traducción
Photos from the day Teller and his followers were arrested...
Nelle foto del giorno in cui Teller e i suoi seguaci furono arrestati...
When they returned, they were arrested because they were married.
Ma quando tornarono, furono arrestati, perché erano sposati.
In one year, 2,800 gay men were arrested.
In un anno... 2.800 uomini gay furono arrestati.
They were arrested and thrown in jail.
Furono arrestati e buttati in prigione.
[Michelle Alexander] They were arrested for extremely minor crimes, like loitering or vagrancy.
Furono arrestati per crimini minori, come il bighellonaggio o il vagabondaggio.
My parents were arrested, and I never saw them again.
I miei genitori furono arrestati e io non li rividi mai piu'.
4,500 people were arrested. 550 police officers were injured.
4500 persone furono arrestate, e tra i poliziotti si contarono 550 feriti.
So... your men were arrested...
I suoi uomini furono arrestati...
So,three years ago, Stegman and Pongetti- they were arrested.
Tre anni fa, Stegman e Pongetti furono arrestati.
And in the following weeks, Zawahiri and many other conspirators were arrested.
E nelle settimane successive, Zawahiri e altri cospiratori furono arrestati.
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