Traducción para "took from" a italiano
Took from
Ejemplos de traducción
Picture? The one you took from my house.
- Quella che hai preso da casa mia.
This is what they took from me.
Ecco quello che hanno preso da me.
Is that the box you took from Ennis'?
E' la scatola che hai preso da Ennis?
Tell me what they took from me.
Dimmi cosa hanno preso da me.
You don't know what she took from me.
Tu non sia cosa hai preso da me.
The flash drive that I took from Andrew...
La chiave USB che ho preso da Andrew...
I know what you took from me.
So cosa ti sei preso da me.
It's the stuff I took from "mode."
E' la roba che ho preso da "Mode".
Now I understand How much I took from you
Ora capisco quanto ho preso da te.
God only knows what he took from there.
Dio solo sa cos'ha preso da lì dentro.
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