Traducción para "to jersey" a italiano
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Then we moved to Jersey.
Poi siamo andati a Jersey.
You two in the same car going to make for a long-ass drive to Jersey.
Voi due sarete nella stessa macchina per un lunghissimo viaggio fino a Jersey.
I mean, if he's really amazing, I'd consider going to Jersey City.
Cioe', fosse davvero stupendo, ci penserei ad andare a Jersey City.
Drift patterns could carry his body anywhere from Fire Island to Jersey Shore.
Le correnti potrebbero condurre il corpo dovunque, da Fire Island a Jersey Shore.
He didn't have to go to Jersey to smell it.
Assolutamente no. Non doveva andare per forza a Jersey per sentire quell'odore.
You don't want to go to Jersey.
- Non vorresti andare a Jersey.
They'll be taken to jersey city and incinerated.
Saranno portati a Jersey City e inceneriti.
Just let me go back to Jersey, get my girl, and disappear!
Lasciami tornare a Jersey City e io scompaio!
Excuse for delay. Had to Jersey go.
Mi scuso per il ritardo, ero a Jersey.
Hey, the next time you go to Jersey, use the bridge.
La prossima volta che va a Jersey, passi dal ponte.
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