Traducción para "both to" a italiano
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There were just two calls, both to an auto garage.
Ci sono solo due chiamate, entrambe a un'officina.
I wanted to invite you both to dinner.
No, volevo invitarvi entrambi a cena.
That's why I want you both to investigate.
Ecco perchè voglio che vi mettiate entrambi a indagare.
She's cursed them both to die.
Li ha maledetti entrambi a morte.
It made no sense for us both to go.
Non aveva senso che fossimo entrambi a pagare.
I want to take you both to dinner.
Voglio portarvi entrambi a cena.
Well, we can take them both to my house.
Bene, possiamo portarli entrambi a casa mia.
I sentence you both to seven years transportation.
Vi condanno entrambi a sette anni di deportazione.
I was worried about you both, to tell you the truth.
Ero preoccupato per entrambi, a dire la verita'.
Both of Ł500 and both to a Hywel Maybury.
Entrambi di cinquecento sterline ed entrambi a Hywel Maybury.
Both to you, and to me.
Sia per me che per te.
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