Traducción para "beatboxing" a italiano
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Phillip Phillips is beatboxing as his opener.
Phillip Phillips fara' beatbox come apertura.
Outside the Beatbox Club, 2:00 in the morning.
Fuori dal Beatbox club, alle 2 di notte.
He's only heard us beatboxing.
Ci siamo messi solo a fare beatbox.
You know, I can beatbox, right?
Posso fare della beatbox!
Tom, why do I hear beatboxing?
Tom, perche' sento del beatbox?
Like, I can beatbox, but I'm not amazing at it.
E' come... io so fare beatbox, ma non sono bravo.
I was gonna beatbox.
Avrei fatto Beatbox.
Beatboxing club, orange shirt.
Club del beatbox... maglietta arancione.
And by "boxing," he meant beatboxing.
E intendeva dire... beatbox.
Time for a little beatbox!
E' il momento di un po' di beatbox!
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