Traducción para "and says" a italiano
And says
Ejemplos de traducción
She gets up and says -
Lei si alza e dice:
The guard comes in, And says:
Entra la guardia, e dice:
She smiles and says:
Beh, lei sorride e dice:
He looks at me and says,
Mi guarda e dice...
And Nishamura calls and says,
E Nishamura chiama e dice:
She simply smiles and says,
Sorride semplicemente e dice:
She blushes and says:
Lei tossisce e dice "Perdonami!"
What? This kid comes and says he's Nicholas, and then turns around and says,
Arriva e dice d'essere Nicholas, poi si volta e dice:
- Cameron looks at him and says ...
- Cameron lo guarda e dice...
And saying things like:
E dice cose del tipo:
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