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Tox report revealed trace amounts of aflatoxins. Fungus?
Gli esami tossicologici hanno rilevato tracce di aflatossine.
Aflatoxin B-One is commonly found in deep-water rice paddies, and they're grown in the Mekong Delta.
L'aflatossina B1 si trova comunemente nell'acqua profonda delle risaie del Delta del Mekong.
This is pretty significant. Shortly afterward, Dr. Campbell came across a scientific paper published in a little-known Indian medical journal. It detailed work that had been done on a population of experimental rats that were first exposed to a carcinogen called aflatoxin, then fed a diet of casein, the main protein found in milk.
Poco dopo il Dr. Campbell lesse un articolo di una nota rivista medica indiana, parlava di uno studio condotto su due gruppi di topi esposti ad una sostanza cancerogena chiamata aflatossina.
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