Traducción para "of before" a francés
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There's one thing I need to take care of before we go.
Il y a une chose dont je dois m'occuper avant de partir.
I've got... I've got some stuff to take care of before I leave town.
Je dois m'occuper de certaines choses avant de quitter la ville.
Even for me there's something I have to take care of before I die.
J'ai moi aussi une dernière chose à faire avant de mourir...
The same person you thought of before you set foot in my district.
La même personne que vous pensiez avant de mettre le pied dans ma zone.
There are a few things I'd like to take care of before...
Il y a deux ou trois choses que je voudrais régler avant de...
I have a lot of things to take care of before we leave.
Je dois m'occuper de plein de choses avant de partir.
Sure, sure, the guy I was jealous of before I knew you were gay
J'étais jaloux, avant de savoir que vous étiez gay.
And I sense that that was the one that you were thinking of before you changed your mind.
Vous aviez choisi celle-là avant de changer d'avis.
Something I had to be sure of before I saw you.
Je voulais être sûre avant de te voir.
That's something you'll have to take care of before you set out for Concho.
Ça sera ta mission avant de partir pour Concho.
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