Traducción para "body of soldier" a francés
Ejemplos de traducción
26. As stated above, UNOMIL has facilitated discussions on the evacuation of wounded, exchange of prisoners and release of the bodies of soldiers killed in the fighting.
26. Comme on l'a indiqué plus haut, la MONUL a facilité les discussions sur l'évacuation des blessés, l'échange des prisonniers et la remise des corps des soldats tués dans les combats.
It is known that the bodies of soldiers killed in battle were returned to a secret laboratory near Coblenz, where they were used in a variety of scientific experiments.
Les corps de soldats morts au combat furent envoyés à Coblence, dans un laboratoire secret pour diverses expériences scientifiques.
We've found the bodies of soldiers whose guts were devoured by a Yoma in the Great Cathedral last night.
On a retrouvé les corps de soldats aux boyaux dévorés dans la cathédrale.
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