Traducción para "process of verification" a finlandés
Process of verification
Ejemplos de traducción
Another point.Check the history of the apartment it is better not to trust anyone, not even the agent, finder for you so wonderful properties (although his support participation in the process of verification is welcome).Yes, in the case of losing a dispute over a transaction agent may lose reputation.You - far greater - a roof over his head.And it is very possible, and the money spent, or most of them, so due diligence apartment must occur at your curious presence and active participation.
Toinen kohta.Tarkista historian asunnon on parempi olla luottamatta kehenkään, ei edes agentti, löytäjä niin ihana ominaisuuksia (vaikka hänen tukea osallistumista prosessiin tarkastus on tervetullut).Kyllä, jos kyseessä menettää riit
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