Traducción para "part at" a finlandés
Part at
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osa on
After his retirement Weyl and his wife Ellen spent part of their time at Princeton and part at Zurich.
Kun hänen eläkkeelle Weyl ja hänen vaimonsa Ellen vietti osan ajastaan Princetonin ja osa on Zürich.
Bobby Brown, original performer of “My Prerogative”, has worked with Spears before as an assistant engineer on her previous smash hit album “Oops!…I Did It Again.” Spears also wrote additional lyrics for the song (the spoken part at the start), but is not credited normally.
Bobby Brown, alkuperäinen esiintyjä "My Prerogative", on työskennellyt Spears ennen kuin apulaiskonemestarilla hänen edellinen hitti albumin "Oho!... I Did It Again". Spears kirjoitti myös muita sanoittanut kappaleen (puhuttu osa on alku), mutta ei hyvitetä normaalisti.
He also played small parts at Stratford in the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre's 1959 season.
Naisvuoren matalammalla osalla on myös toiminut Mikkelin teatterin kesäteatteri vuodesta 1956.
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