Traducción para "method for detecting" a finlandés
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diagnosis of lung cancer is complex and involves the use of complex methods for detecting disease in the early stages of development, which increases the chances of successful treatment.The main method in this case is the X-ray and tomography.It is also widely used by bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy and thoracotomy.The results obtained are reliable and provide insight on how widespread metastases, as well as reveal the stage of the cancer disease.Thus select appropriate surgical treatment.
diagnoosi keuhkosyöpä on monimutkainen ja siihen liittyy monimutkaisten menetelmien havaitsemiseksi taudin varhaisessa kehitysvaiheessa, joka lisää mahdollisuuksia onnistuneen hoidon.Tärkein menetelmä tässä tapauksessa on röntgen- ja
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