Traducción para "i have had" a finlandés
Ejemplos de traducción
I have had payment problems
Minulla on ollut ongelmia maksun kanssa.
I have had bust complexes forever.
Minulla on ollut bust-kompleksit ikuisesti.
I have had nothing since breakfast.
Mutta minulla on ollut syntisiä ajatuksia.
I have had goldens since 1993.
Minulla on ollut kultaisia vuodesta 1993.
I have had many sleepless nights.
Minulla on ollut monia unettomia öitä.
I have HAD very low bone density.
Minulla on OLLUT hyvin alhainen luun tiheys.
Despite this I have had problems with my neck.
Siitä huolimatta minulla on ollut niskavaivoja.
I have had a fantastic stay at her house.
Minulla on ollut fantastinen jäädä kotiinsa.
I have had the light for many years.
Minulla on ollut valo jo vuosien ajan.
I have had a stroke several years ago.
Minulla on ollut aivohalvaus useita vuosia sitten.
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