Traducción para "cybernetician" a finlandés
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But one only has to open the newspapers from the 1970s, or read the Club of Rome report on the Limits to Growth from 1972, the article by the cybernetician Gregory Bateson on “The Roots of Ecological Crisis” from March 1970, or The Crisis of Democracy published in 1975 by the Trilateral Commission, to see that we’ve been living under the dark star of integral crisis at least since the beginning of the 1970s.
Toisaalta jokainen voi avata minkä hyvänsä 1970-luvun uutislehden, Rooman klubin Kasvun rajat -raportin vuodelta 1972, kyberneetikko Gregory Batesonin artikkelin ”Ekologisen kriisin juuret” vuod
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