Traducción para "audiology" a finlandés
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Audiology We offer audiologist consultations to patients
Audiologin vastaanotolle ovat tervetulleita potilaat, joilla on kuulo-ongelmia ja/tai tasapainohäiriöitä sekä korvien soimista.
According to Robert Novak, director of clinical education in audiology at Purdue University, “We are seeing young people that have a head start on the hearing aging process,” Novak said.
Mukaan Robert Novak, johtaja kliinisen opetuksen audiologi
In the Audiology Room you will have all the necessary instruments to perform a complete analysis of a patient's hearing health and the necessary programming.
Audiologi huoneessa sinulla on kaikki tarvittavat välineet täydellisen analyysin potilaan kuulokojeesta ja
Audiology is a discipline and a university subject, which is situated in the classification of disciplines somewhat differently in different countries.
Audiologia on tieteenala ja yliopistollinen oppiaine, joka eri maissa sijoittuu tieteenalojen luokittelussa hiukan eri tavoin.
During the course of its existence, will be supported with master's degrees as Master of Physical Therapy Mention in Sport Rehabilitation, Master of Physical Therapy Mention in Functional Rehabilitation of Older Persons, Master of Physical Therapy Minor in Neurological Rehabilitation and MS in Audiology .
Aikana sen olemassaolon, tuetaan kanssa maisteria Master of Physical Therapy Mainitse Sport Rehabilitation, Master of Physical Therapy Mainitse toiminnallinen kuntoutus ikäihmisten, Master of Physical Therapy Minor Neurologinen kuntoutus ja MS Audiologia.
By offering master's degrees and postgraduate programs, many health professionals such as Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Audiology, Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Psychology, Education, Dentistry and Pharmacy, among others, may opt for these knowledge and skills needed to excel in the workplace as a specialized graduate, with an endorsement of quality as is the accred
Tarjoamalla maisteria ja jatko-ohjelmia, monet terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset, kuten Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Puheterapia, Respiratory Therapy, Audiologia, lääketieteen, hoitotieteen, psykologian, Psychology, koulutus-, hammaslääketieteen ja farmasian, muun muassa voivat valita näiden tietämyksen ja taitoja kunnostautua työpaikalla kuin erikoistunut jatko, jossa kannattavansa laatu on akkreditointi School of Physical Therapy klo SINAES.
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