Traducción para "withall" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
indeed, it was rumored that her husband, once he had huffed and puffed and brandished his famous sword—which was known throughout Spain—was usually very tolerant of such admirers, whether it was his wife they were interested in or one of the other women in his company, especially if, as was the case with that supplier of meat to Madrid, the admirer had the where-withal.
rumoreándose que el marido, una vez dadas las voces de rigor y tras pasear el famoso estoque, conocido de toda España, solía volverse muy tolerante con los admiradores, tanto de su legítima como del resto de las mujeres de la compañía;
he asked, with a dawning of curiosity. He eyed her in confidence, yet withal as a boy who realized an unknown quantity in women. He had not the slightest idea what she meant, yet he had acquired an interest apart from his kindliness or desire to oblige her.
- preguntó con incipiente curiosidad, mirándola como si la invitara a ser más explícita, aunque con la instintiva desconfianza de quien supone una incógnita indescifrable en toda mujer. No tenía la más remota idea de lo que quería darle a entender Mary; sin embargo, las palabras de ésta le habían despertado un nuevo interés, completamente aparte de su deseo de complacerla -.
but then, that he did not, was, with the precautions I took, a risk of a thousand to one in my favour. At ease now, and out of all fear of any doubt or suspicion on his side, I address'd myself in good earnest to my repose, but could obtain none; and in about half an hour's time my gentleman waked again, and turning towards me, I feigned a sound sleep, which he did not long respect; but girding himself again to renew the onset, he began to kiss and caress me, when now making as if I just wak'd, I complained of the disturbance, and of the cruel pain that this little rest had stole my senses from.Eager, however, for the pleasure, as well of consummating an entire triumph over my virginity, he said everything that could overcome my resistance, and bribe my patience to the end, which not I was ready to listen to, from being secure of the bloody proofs I had prepared of his victorious violence, though I still thought it good policy not to let him in yet a while.I answered then only to his importunities in sighs and moans that I was so hurt, I could not bear it . I was sure he had done me a mischief; that he had . he was such a sad man!At this, turning down the cloaths and viewing the field of battle by the glimmer of a dying taper, he saw plainly my thighs, shift, and sheets, all stained with what he readily took for a virgin effusion, proceeding from his last half-penetration: convinc'd, and transported at which, nothing could equal his joy and exultation.The illusion was complete, no other conception entered his head but that of his having been at work upon an unopen'd mine; which idea, upon so strong an evidence, redoubled at once his tenderness for me, and his ardour for breaking it wholly up.Kissing me then with the utmost rapture, he comforted me, and begg'd my pardon for the pain he had put me to: observing withal, that it was only a thing in course: but the worst was certainly past, and that with a little courage and constancy, I should get it once well over, and never after experience any thing but the greatest pleasure.By little and little I suffer'd myself to be prevailed on, and giving, as it were, up the point to him, I made my thighs, insensibly spreading them, yield him liberty of access, which improving, he got a little within me, when by a well managed reception I work'd the female screw so nicely, that I kept him from the easy mid-channel direction, and by dextrous wreathing and contortions, creating an artificial difficulty of entrance, made him win it inch by inch, with the most laborious struggles, I all the while sorely complaining: till at length, with might and main, winding his way in, he got it completely home, and giving my virginity, as he thought, the coup de grace, furnished me with the cue of setting up a terrible outcry, whilst he, triumphant and like a cock clapping his wings over his down-trod mistress, pursu'd his pleasure: which presently rose, in virtue of this idea of a complete victory, to a pitch that made me soon sensible of his melting period;
Finalmente, pretendiendo ceder ante la vehemencia de su insistencia en la acción y las palabras, separé apenas los muslos de modo que pudiera tocar casi la hendedura con la punta de su aparato, pero mientras se esforzaba y se fatigaba para hacerlo entrar, moví mi cuerpo para recibirlo de forma oblicua y no sólo desbaraté su entrada sino que dando un grito, como si me hubiera atravesado hasta el corazón, me lo quité de encima con tanta violencia que, pese a sus esfuerzos no pudo mantenerse montado. Ante esto pareció incomodarse, pero no porque le disgustara mi actitud espantadiza; por el contrario, me atrevería a jurar que me valoró más y se congratuló por las dificultades que entorpecían su placer. De modo que, inflamado hasta el punto de no tolerar más demoras, volvió a montar, y me rogó que tuviera paciencia, acariciándome y calmándome con las más tiernas caricias y protestas de lo que haría por mí. Ante esto, fingiéndome amansada y abatiendo en algo la ira que había mostrado cuando me había hecho tanto mal, soporté que separara mis muslos, abriendo el camino para un nuevo intento, pero vigilé la dirección de sus intentos tan bien que en cuanto el orificio estuvo algo abierto di un salto que no parecía causado por el intento de evadir su entrada sino por el dolor que me causaban sus esfuerzos, circunstancia que no dejé de acompañar con gestos adecuados, suspiros y gritos de queja, como «me hacéis mal… me mataréis… moriré…» que eran mis exclamaciones más frecuentes. Pero ahora, después de varios intentos en los cuales no había adelantado nada en cuanto a sus intenciones, el placer surgió en él con tanta fuerza que no pudo cortarlo ni demorarlo y con el vigor y la furia que le inspiró la proximidad de la culminación embistió con tanta fuerza que casi me tomó con la guardia baja, y consiguió alojarse tanto que sentí la tibia aspersión justo a la entrada del orificio. Tuve la crueldad de no dejarle terminar allí, arrojándolo fuera nuevamente, no sin una desgarradora exclamación como si el dolor me hubiese hecho olvidar las posibilidades de ser oída. Entonces fue fácil observar que estaba más satisfecho y más complacido por los supuestos motivos que habían desbaratado la consumación de lo que hubiese estado si la hubiese logrado enteramente. Así me consolé de toda la falsedad que había empleado para procurarle ese maravilloso placer, que ciertamente no hubiera experimentado si las cosas hubiesen ocurrido verdaderamente.
WITHAL, MY SENSE is of an end to this life.
Con todo esto, la sensación que tengo es de haber llegado al final de la vida.
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