Traducción para "will of him" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
In deference to the United Nations and as a gesture of our goodwill and cooperation, we will receive him again this year.
Como una cortesía a las Naciones Unidas y como gesto de nuestra buena voluntad y cooperación, lo recibiremos nuevamente este año.
All creatures are humble before Him and resign themselves to His will.
Todas las criaturas se arrodillan ante Él y se resignan a Su voluntad.
We will receive him yet again this year to demonstrate our good will.
Este año lo hemos de recibir nuevamente, como demostración de buena voluntad.
He expressed his will to contest the charges should an independent commission be put in place to investigate him.
Expresó su voluntad de impugnar las acusaciones en caso de que se estableciera una comisión independiente para investigarlo.
Violent acts are committed against the will of the victim and cause suffering to him or her.
Los actos de violencia se cometen contra la voluntad de la víctima y le causan sufrimiento.
No one may be taken, against his will, from the court which the law has thus assigned to him.
Nadie puede ser sustraído contra su voluntad al juez competente según la ley.
In this connection, he welcomes the efforts made by the Government of Iran and its willingness to cooperate with him during his mission.
A este respecto, aplaude los esfuerzos y la voluntad de cooperación manifestados por el Gobierno del Irán durante su misión.
I suppose the will that brought him here is the same will that keeps him here.
Supongo que la voluntad que le trajo es la voluntad que le sujeta.
The Will had failed him.
La Voluntad le había fallado.
her will was surrendered, but not to him.
la voluntad de ella se había rendido, pero no a él.
For they have no will to rise to Him.
Porque no tienen voluntad de elevarse hasta Él.
Subject him to your will.
Somételo a tu voluntad.
Her will had fixed itself to him.
Su voluntad se había adherido a él.
I did not submit to him unwillingly.
No me sometí a él contra mi voluntad.
There was no more fight in him.
Ya no tenía voluntad para seguir luchando.
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