Traducción para "widely" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
Have travelled far and wide in Africa as well other parts of the world.
Ha viajado extensamente en África y otras partes del mundo.
A widely commended exchange of prisoners successfully took place.
Se realizó con éxito un intercambio de prisioneros encomiado extensamente.
We have taken a number of specific and far-reaching measures, which have been widely acknowledged.
Hemos adoptado diversas medidas amplias que han sido extensamente reconocidas.
The manual is widely distributed to social workers and educational institutions throughout the world.
El manual se ha distribuido extensamente entre los trabajadores sociales e instituciones educativas de todo el mundo.
The history of Holocaust is widely studied and taught in Ukraine.
En Ucrania la historia del Holocausto se estudia y se enseña extensamente.
The series will be widely distributed for broadcast around the world.
La serie será distribuida extensamente para ser exhibida en todo el mundo.
Radionuclides are widely used in medicine, hydrology, agriculture and industry.
Los radionucleidos se emplean extensamente en medicina, hidrología, agricultura e industria.
It has consulted widely and extensively.
Ha hecho consultas amplia y extensamente.
68. Subcontracting has been widely practised in Asia.
68. La subcontratación se ha practicado extensamente en Asia.
It is being discussed widely, in various forums.
Se está debatiendo sobre la cuestión extensamente y en varios foros.
And widely admired.
Y extensamente admirado.
This gets spread wide.
Esto será difundido extensamente.
Mental, scan wide with the drone. Al.
Mental, examine extensamente el zumbido, Al,
In particular, the widely published etchings of the German Max Klinger.
en particular, los aguafuertes extensamente editados... del alemán Max Klinger.
Now, open wide, please.
Ahora, abra extensamente, por favor.
I know it's a widely held belief, but any particular reason?
Se que es una creencia extensamente tenida, ¿Pero por alguna razon en particular?
Alcatraaaz is wide spread.
Alcatraaaz se propaga extensamente.
- It's been widely reported.
- Ha sido extensamente relatado.
And it was widely considered that he would one day hold a CEO title of his own.
Y era extensamente considerado que algún día ostentaría un cargo de presidente ejecutivo.
In fact, paganism in its evolution, is the most widely practised form of religion.
De hecho el paganismo y su evolución son las formas mas extensamente practicadas de religión.
Tonks was yawning widely, her nose now back to normal;
Tonks bostezaba extensamente, su nariz ahora era normal;
The SSU accused America of having used a widely dispersed biological agent.
La URSS ha acusado a América de utilizar un agente bacteriano extensamente difundido.
He was now wide-awake and prepared to discuss Dr Kephalus at length.
Ahora estaba plenamente despierto y dispuesto a hablar extensamente del doctor Kephalus.
With luck, they will spread their message so widely by the time they are discovered that it cannot be contained.
Con un poco de suerte, para cuando sean descubiertos habrán difundido ya tan extensamente su mensaje que no será posible detenerlo.
He has belonged to numerous masters, hence has traveled widely and knows many lands.
Ha pertenecido a numerosos amos, por lo cual ha viajado extensamente y conoce muchas tierras.
He was widely described as an American crackpot, down on his luck, desperate to get publicity.
Lo describían extensamente como un americano estrafalario, pasando una mala racha y desesperado por conseguir publicidad.
Confucius traveled widely in an attempt to transform society, instructing the poor and humble as well as the nobility.
Confucio viajó extensamente en un intento de transformar la sociedad, instruyendo a los pobres y los humildes a la par que a los nobles.
“I should have thought a poet would want his words to be distributed as widely as possible, available in every bookshop.”
—Suponía que un poeta preferiría que sus palabras fueran distribuidas lo más extensamente posible para que estuvieran disponibles en todas las librerías.
It’s a widely held belief at a certain age that going to bed early makes tomorrow come faster.
Es una creencia extensamente sostenida a cierta edad que acostarse temprano hace que mañana venga más rápido.
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