Traducción para "were will" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
Flexibility and political will were basic prerequisites.
La flexibilidad y la voluntad política son requisitos básicos.
Political will and international cooperation were the key.
La voluntad política y la cooperación internacional son los elementos clave.
Their determination and their perseverance in this regard were exemplary.
Su determinación y su voluntad han sido ejemplares a este respecto.
That is to say, the IDPs were not located there by their own free will.
O sea, que los desplazados internos no están allí por su propia voluntad.
In India and Africa, children were married against their will.
En la India y en África se casa a los niños contra su voluntad.
Suspects were not forced to give evidence against their will.
A los indiciados no se les obliga a prestar declaración contra su voluntad.
But the political will was not there, nor were the troops.
Sin embargo, no había voluntad política ni había tropas.
Understanding and a display of goodwill were of critical importance.
La comprensión y la buena voluntad tenían una importancia fundamental.
“So they were being held against their will?”
—¿Estaban retenidos contra su voluntad?
Voters were not involved;
Los votantes no han expresado su voluntad;
they were part of his will.
formaban parte de su voluntad.
It was by his will we two were married, by his will we were brought to- gether to save our people!
¡Fue por su voluntad que nos casamos, y su voluntad nos trajo hasta aquí juntos para salvar a nuestro pueblo!
Her weapons were ready but not her will.
Sus armas estaban a punto, pero no su voluntad.
They were doing her bidding. This was her magic.
Estaban haciendo su voluntad. Esa era su magia.
“Because you were ignoring his wishes?”
¿Porque estabas desoyendo sus últimas voluntades?
As if this were the genuine will of Council.
Como si fuera la auténtica voluntad del Consejo.
We understand you were dragged into this against your will.
Somos conscientes de que la metieron en todo esto contra su voluntad.
His Government would take steps to ensure that its future reports were submitted on time.
El Gobierno camerunés hará todo lo posible por que sus informes futuros se presenten oportunamente.
This means that where recorded votes were taken, we will do the same.
Esto significa que, cuando se procedió a votación registrada, se hará lo mismo.
However, if people were taught how to fish, they became independent.
En cambio, si se enseña a la gente a pescar, se la hará independiente.
He would be making very precise recommendations on several subjects when the concluding observations were drawn up.
Hará recomendaciones muy precisas acerca de diversos temas cuando se redacten las conclusiones.
He would do everything he could to ensure that the Committee's comments and concluding observations were taken into account in the next report.
Hará todo lo posible para que las observaciones y las conclusiones del Comité sean tenidas en cuenta en el siguiente informe.
That means that where recorded votes or separate votes were taken, we will do the same.
Esto significa que, cuando se haya procedido a votación registrada o separada, la Asamblea hará lo mismo.
Every effort would be made to ensure that claims were addressed quickly.
Se hará todo lo posible por asegurar que las solicitudes se tramiten rápidamente.
If relevant rules were formulated by the Commission, it would increase the participation of those States in UNCITRAL.
Si la CNUDMI formula las normas pertinentes, hará que aumente la participación de esos Estados en sus trabajos.
Nevertheless, he wished to emphasize several points that were of special importance to Jordan.
No obstante, hará referencia a algunos aspectos que tienen especial importancia para Jordania.
What were the police going to do now?
—¿Qué hará la policía ahora?
We’ll do as you say, but if it were up to me—’
Se hará como dices, pero si por mí fuese...
"About a month ago, Your Highness." "Were there many?"
Hará cerca de un mes, alteza. —¿Eran muchos?
<No, it won't kill you. It'll just make you wish you were dead.>
<No, no te matará, pero te hará desear la muerte.>
“So what’s the kid gonna do, Thomas? You were there.
–¿Qué hará ese niño, Thomas? Usted ha estado allí.
They were killed only a day or so ago.
Los mataron hará tan sólo un día más o menos.
They were dropped all over the Earth a month ago.
Fueron dejadas caer por toda la Tierra hará un mes.
‘It were about six weeks ago,’ Portia said.
Hará de esto unas seis semanas —siguió Portia—.
Is Sasha doing it?” His eyes were blazing with fury.
¿Lo hará Sasha? —Sus ojos lanzaban llamaradas de furia.
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