Traducción para "were rights" a español
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Several of the rights embodied in the text were rights from which derogation was permissible under other treaty regimes.
Varios de los derechos incorporados en el texto son derechos cuyo ejercicio puede ser suspendido en virtud de otros regímenes convencionales.
57. A few delegations expressed objections to the use of the word "rights" in this paragraph, stating that not all of these issues were "rights".
57. Unas pocas delegaciones expresaron su objeción al uso de la palabra "derechos" en este párrafo, afirmando que no sólo se trataba de "derechos".
Then there were rights which were viewed as "fundamental", in particular primary rights relating to human dignity.
Le siguen los derechos considerados "fundamentales" y, concretamente, los derechos primarios relacionados con la dignidad de la persona.
Yeah, they wound up on shores from Oregon to Hawaii in a pattern, depending on what the brands were or whether they were rights or lefts.
Sí, aparecieron en costas desde Oregón a Hawái en un patrón dependiendo de qué marca eran o si eran derechas o izquierdas.
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