Traducción para "were indignant" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
The mountebanks around were indignant.
Los titiriteros de los alrededores estaban indignados.
People were indignant, packed their hampers, went home.
La gente estaba indignada, recogía los cestos, se iba.
Well, when all the sailors who were good for anything were indignant with our captain, this fellow, to curry favour--pah!
—Bien, cuando todos los marineros dignos de tal nombre estaban indignados con nuestro capitán, ese individuo, para ganarse el favor…, ¡bah!
Umo and Uter were indignant, feeling our Sentas had been invaded, polluted, but Astano said, “Maybe it will always be here, now.”
Umo y Uter estaban indignados y sentían que nuestra Sentas había sido invadida y profanada, pero Astano dijo: —Quizá ahora siempre esté aquí.
His fellow writers were indignant when the work was issued and they discovered with what acrimony he had written of them.
Cuando éste se publicó, sus compañeros de profesión se indignaron al ver la acrimonia con que había escrito sobre ellos.
And since he named in this connection the most honoured people, some were indignant at the calumny, while others jokingly asked:
Y como mencionara una vez los nombres de personas muy venerables, algunos se indignaron por la calumnia, mientras otros le preguntaron en broma:
But his generals were indignant over his remissive conduct and could not bear the idea of being considered cowards by the barbarians. As much of the army was made up of citizens of Syracuse, they decided to abandon Dionysius and march home.
Pero los suyos se indignaron por esta conducta abandonista, al no soportar la idea de ser considerados unos cobardes por los bárbaros, y, como eran en gran parte tropas de ciudadanos, decidieron regresar a sus hogares dejándolo solo.
Though Turgenev rather admired Bazarov, the radicals whom he thought he was flattering in the face of this strong active young man were indignant at the portrait and saw in Bazarov only a caricature drawn to please their opponents.
Aunque Turguéniev admiraba bastante a Bazárov, los radicales a quienes creía estar lisonjeando en la figura de aquel joven fuerte y activo se indignaron ante el retrato, y en Bazárov vieron tan sólo una caricatura dibujada para dar gusto a sus oponentes.
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