Traducción para "to withdraw" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
(b) Withdraw its reservation;
b) Retirar su reserva;
There were no plans to withdraw the circular.
No está previsto retirar la circular.
There are no plans to withdraw or amend the declaration.
No se prevé retirar ni enmendar la declaración.
I offered to withdraw this.
Me he ofrecido a retirar el documento.
The State party should withdraw its reservation to article 10 and should consider withdrawing its other reservations to the Covenant.
El Estado parte debería retirar su reserva al artículo 10 y considerar la posibilidad de retirar otras reservas al Pacto.
There are no plans to withdraw this declaration.
No hay planes para retirar esa declaración.
Occupying forces must withdraw.
Las fuerzas de ocupación se deben retirar.
There are no plans for the withdrawal of the above reservations.
No está previsto retirar estas reservas.
You should withdraw.
Tendréis que retiraros.
“I’ll withdraw that question.
Retiraré esa pregunta.
Will you withdraw from the race or not?
¿Te retirarás de la carrera, o no?
I will not withdraw my request.
No retiraré mi petición.
'He'll withdraw his donation.
Retirará su donación.
They would be forced to withdraw the fleet.
Tendrán que retirar la flota.
Logiudice: I’ll withdraw it.
Logiudice: Pues la retiraré.
You are at liberty to withdraw.
Quedáis en libertad de retiraros.
VI. Withdrawal from the NPT
VI. Posibilidad de retirarse del TNP
Withdrawal from the Treaty
Derecho a retirarse del Tratado
Neither side attempted to withdraw.
Ninguna de las dos partes trató de retirarse;
A. The Nature of the right to withdraw from the Treaty
A. La naturaleza del derecho a retirarse del Tratado
But Israel does not wish to withdraw; it is still camouflaging its unwillingness to withdraw completely by relocating or redeploying its forces.
Sin embargo, Israel no desea retirarse; sigue camuflando su falta de disposición a retirarse completamente cambiando de lugar sus fuerzas o redesplegándolas.
Forced admission, prevention of withdrawing
Incorporación forzosa o prohibición de retirarse del grupo
Israel was forced to withdraw.
Israel se vio forzado a retirarse.
- But if federal council wishes to withdraw...
Pero si el abogado desea retirarse... ¿Retirarse?
They knew they must withdraw.
Tenían que retirarse.
They began to withdraw.
Empezaron a retirarse.
He was allowed to withdraw.
Se le permitió retirarse.
They request permission to withdraw
Solicitan permiso para retirarse...
The military is threatening to withdraw.
El ejército amenaza con retirarse.
Prudence suggests withdrawal.
La prudencia le sugiere retirarse.
definitely time to withdraw.
era el momento de retirarse, decididamente.
To date, I have not heard anyone say that we should withdraw from this position.
Hasta la fecha no conozco a nadie que haya dicho que debemos abandonar esta posición.
The lawyers were forced to withdraw from the case for fear of their lives.
Los letrados se vieron obligados a abandonar la representación de sus clientes porque temían por sus vidas.
Upon the withdrawal of its personnel, Zhejiang states that it had to abandon its tangible property in Kuwait.
Zhejiang afirma que, una vez retirado su personal, tuvo que abandonar los bienes materiales que poseía en Kuwait.
The State is obliged to ensure the right to withdraw labour.
El Estado debe garantizar el derecho a abandonar el mercado de trabajo.
(c) A worker is free to join or withdraw from a trade union (art. 3);
c) Los trabajadores tienen la libertad de sindicarse o abandonar los sindicatos (art. 3).
There is, however, an enduring moral agenda from which we dare not withdraw.
No obstante, existe un programa moral que nunca pierde vigencia y que no osamos abandonar.
Nuclear-weapon States should withdraw from the arms race and gradually eliminate their nuclear arsenals.
Los Estados poseedores de armas nucleares tienen que abandonar la carrera de armamentos y eliminar gradualmente sus arsenales nucleares.
One is the possibility of withdrawal from the MNA (that is to say, "going national"), without leaving the NPT.
Uno de ellos es la posibilidad de una retirada del ENM (es decir, optar por el carácter nacional) sin abandonar el TNP.
Educational assistance was considered a very important part of the process of inducing children to withdraw from prostitution.
La asistencia educativa se considera una parte muy importante del proceso de inducir a los niños a abandonar la prostitución.
Juppé was forced to withdraw his reforms.
Juppé se vio obligado a abandonar sus reformas.
she’d stopped attending classes and intended to withdraw.
Ya no asistía a clase y tenía intención de abandonar la facultad.
          'Tell her', he says, 'it is about her decision to withdraw.
– Dígale que se trata de su decisión de abandonar los estudios.
Nobody wanted the legions to withdraw from his or her country.
Nadie quería que la legión abandonara su país.
Bedivere saw his spirit withdrawing from life.
Bedivere vio un espíritu a punto de abandonar la vida.
You want to withdraw because of your conscience, am I right?
—Usted quiere abandonar por problemas de conciencia, ¿no es cierto?
they have convinced several publishers to withdraw or revise obnoxious contracts;
han convencido a distintos editores de abandonar o revisar contratos abusivos;
Walking in reverse so as not to turn her back on the lord, she began to withdraw from the room.
Caminando sin volverse para no dar la espalda a su señor, comenzó a abandonar la habitación.
The final outcome was that I had to withdraw from the apprenticeship under the pressure of my irrational fear.
La consecuencia final fue que tuve que abandonar el aprendizaje bajo la presión de mi miedo irracional.
The seller decided to withdraw from the transaction.
El vendedor decidió retraerse de la transacción.
Sometimes she was irritated by how happy she was to withdraw.
A veces le irritaba su tendencia a retraerse.
Zack had a tendency to withdraw, to appear sullen.
Zack tenía una tendencia a retraerse, a parecer hosco.
Donning a haunted expression, the young man seemed to withdraw into himself.
Con expresión torturada, el joven pareció retraerse.
Her mind began withdrawing the moment she felt the strange sensations.
Su mente empezó a retraerse en cuanto percibió aquellas extrañas sensaciones.
Even before the stroke, he had already started withdrawing, falling into long, silent lapses, looking disconsolate.
Ya antes del infarto cerebral había empezado a retraerse y se sumía en largos silencios durante los que parecía desconsolado.
But what if he couldn't withdraw any further? What if he is repeatedly threatened or provoked? What would he do?
—Pero si no puede retraerse, si lo amenazan o le provocan lo suficiente, ¿entonces qué hace?
The big figure swiveled behind the desk, turning his face away as if he felt the sudden need for withdrawal.
La enorme figura giró en su butacón, apartando el rostro como si de pronto tuviese necesidad de retraerse.
He always had the ability to withdraw from his surroundings, for days on end, wrapping himself up in himself and shutting out everything and everyone.
Siempre ha tenido la capacidad de retraerse de su entorno durante días y días, envolviéndose en sí mismo y dejando fuera todo y a todos.
Her eyes darted back and forth, looking from one of his to the other. —And you . . . mustn’t be put off by the way he seems to withdraw.
Sus ojos le acribillaron la cara, mirando de uno de los suyos al otro—. Y no… no debes desanimarte por la forma en que parece retraerse.
Qui-Gon put his hands on his broad belt, the way he did when he was beginning to withdraw into himself.
Qui-Gon colocó las manos en su ancho cinturón del modo en que lo hacía cuando empezaba a retraerse.
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