Traducción para "to dirty" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
I heard a woman who saw me coming in say: is she an Assembly member or has she just come to make the place dirty?
He escuchado a una señorita que al verme entrar ha dicho como si preguntara: ¿ella será constituyente o será otra más que viene a ensuciar?".
The children gave a statement that their mother had forced them to hold 15pound concrete blocks for hours as punishment for dirtying their school clothes, and returning home late from school.
Los niños declararon que su madre los había obligado a cargar bloques de concreto de 15 libras durante horas como castigo por ensuciar sus uniformes y regresar tarde a casa de la escuela.
226. In cases where the inmate is likely to escape, become violent or commit suicide, in cases where the inmate disregards suppression and shouts or makes a lot of noise, or in cases where the inmate may repeatedly display abnormal behaviour such as making his own cell dirty and it is deemed inappropriate to confine the inmate in question in an ordinary cell, the inmate may be confined in a protection cell (a solitary confinement cell with facilities and a design suitable for the pacification and protection of inmates which have been instituted for this purpose).
226. En los casos en que es probable que el recluso se fugue, se vuelva violento o se suicide, haga caso omiso de las normas y grite o haga mucho ruido, o muestre repetidamente un comportamiento anormal, como ensuciar su propia celda, y se considere inapropiado recluirlo en una celda ordinaria, puede ser confinado a una celda de protección (celda de aislamiento con dispositivos y un diseño apropiados para la pacificación y la protección de los reclusos).
‘You’ll be getting your hands dirty.’
—Te ensuciarás las manos.
Dirtying his name is a punishment;
Ensuciar su nombre es un castigo;
You’ll get your new sneakers dirty.
Te ensuciarás las nuevas zapatillas.
"You'll get your jacket all dirty.
—Te vas a ensuciar la americana.
You won’t get dirty, George, ‘cause you’ll be the captain.
No te ensuciarás, George, porque tú serás el capitán.
“I don’t know. But I don’t want to get dirty.”
—No lo sé, pero no me quiero ensuciar.
“If I eat I will be sure to make it dirty.”
—Si como algo, seguro que me ensuciaré la ropa.
He couldn't dirty up new sheets.
No quería ensuciar las sábanas nuevas.
I will dirty your lovely new suit.
Te ensuciaré tu hermoso traje nuevo.
He'll get his shirt dirty.
Se manchará la camisa...
Leave that alone or you'll get dirty!'
¡Deja eso, que te vas a manchar!
“Gee, you’ll get it all dirty.”
—Te lo vas a manchar, amigo.
I wont dirty my hands.
No me quiero manchar las manos.
Because if you are, I’ll not have you dirtying the ground you stand on.
Porque, si lo sois, no os dejaré manchar el suelo que pisáis.
He extended his hand, then withdrew it rather than dirty her.
una limpia. —Ofrecía ya la mano, pero la retiró, para no manchar la de la mujer.
‘My boots are covered in mud and I wouldn’t want to dirty the rugs.
Traigo las botas llenas de barro, y no me gustaría manchar las alfombras.
"Palicrovol," said Sleeve, "you should not dirty your hands with his blood."
—Palicrovol —avisó Furtivo—, no debe manchar tus manos con su sangre.
He was wearing a blue smock so he wouldn’t dirty his designer clothes. “What do you want?”
Llevaba puesta una bata azul para no manchar su ropa de marca. —¿Qué quiere?
The policeman immediately stuck out his foot, raising the hem of his trouser leg so as not to get it dirty.
El señor agente presentó sin previo aviso su pie, remangándose el pantalón para que no se manchara.
Sometimes, seeing him like this, talking and chewing constantly, he doesn’t know what holds him back, what formidable force stops him from reacting, from standing on his seat, getting the red corduroy of the upholstery dirty with his muddy shoes, jumping on the table, trampling dishes, steaming plates, and the white-linen tablecloth fresh from the dry cleaner’s, and launching himself in a suicidal attack on the dead man, shutting him up by taking a knife to his throat, smashing his teeth in, or cutting out his tongue.
Hay veces, viéndolo así, hablando y masticando sin parar, en que no sabe qué lo retiene, qué fuerza formidable le impide reaccionar, pararse sobre la silla, enchastrar con sus zapatillas embarradas la pana roja del tapizado y, saltando sobre la mesa servida, pisoteando fuentes, platos que humean, el mantel de hilo blanco recién sacado de la tintorería, lanzarse en un salto suicida contra el muerto y obligarlo a callarse poniéndole un cuchillo en la garganta, romperle los dientes, cortarle la lengua.
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