Traducción para "thing about me" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
Hey, sweetie, I was wondering, if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
Oye cariño, me preguntaba, ¿si tu pudieras cambiar una cosa de mi, qué sería?
Whatever about me caused offense, whatever was native to me, whatever I could not help and was not a moral failing—those things about me I loved with the fervor of the devoted.
Cualquier cosa de mi persona que resultara ofensiva, cualquier cosa que fuera innata en mí, cualquier cosa que no pudiera evitar y no supusiera una debilidad moral…, todas esas cosas que formaban parte de mi naturaleza yo las adoraba con un fervor casi devoto.
But I know one thing about me.
Pero sé una cosa sobre .
The thing about me and any Sheppard, no.
La cosa sobre , y cualquier Sheppard, no.
Remember one thing about me.
Recuerda una cosa sobre .
You don't know the first thing about me!
? ¡La primera cosa sobre : no me conoces!
You don't know a single thing about me.
No sabes ni una sola cosa sobre .
Rogelio, you don't know one thing about me.
Rogelio, no sabes una cosa sobre .
That's the thing about me.
Esa es la cosa sobre .
You don't know a thing about me.
No sabes ninguna maldita cosa sobre .
Oh. Yeah, that's another thing about me.
Sí, esa es otra cosa sobre .
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