Traducción para "there are incidents" a español
There are incidents
Ejemplos de traducción
Information on reported incident from incident report
Información sobre el incidente notificado extraída de la notificación de incidentes
Line 9: replace Racist incidents by Incidents
Línea 10: sustitúyase incidentes racistas por incidentes
Such incidents are included in the total number of incidents cited above.
Esos incidentes se incluyen en el número total de incidentes anteriormente mencionado.
“Well, on anything. On the incident.” “On the incident?
– Bueno, sobre lo que sea. Sobre el incidente. – ¿Sobre el incidente?
An incident, what kind of incident?
—¿Un incidente, qué clase de incidente?
An incident had to be created, a large incident.
Había que crear un incidente, un grave incidente.
This was simply an incident, and not even a good incident.
Esto era simplemente un incidente, y ni siquiera era un buen incidente.
It was not an incident;
No fue un incidente;
“It was an incident!”
—¡Fue un incidente!
There was an incident.
Ha habido un incidente.
“I know which incident you’re hinting at.” “An incident?
—Ya sé a qué incidente se refiere… —¿Un incidente?
‘You caused an incident at the employment exchange.’ ‘An incident?
—Provocaste un incidente en la oficina de empleo. —¿Un incidente?
A Major Incident Team with no major incidents to run.
—Un Equipo de Incidentes Graves sin incidentes graves de los que ocuparse.
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