Traducción para "terribly wrong" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
Today, several of those responsible for the Viet Nam war have acknowledged, both in private and in public, that it was a mistake — that they were “wrong, terribly wrong”.
Hoy, varios responsables de la guerra de Viet Nam han expresado en privado y hasta públicamente que fue un error, “que estaban equivocados, terriblemente equivocados”.
What if it went terribly wrong?
¿Qué pasaría si estuviera terriblemente equivocada?
"I know that something is terribly wrong. "I get a knot in my stomach.
Sé que hay algo terriblemente equivocado.
And there suddenly, saw in one bright flash how terribly wrong I had been all my life.
Y allí, de repente vi como un destello lo terriblemente equivocado que había estado toda mi vida.
No, you're wrong! Terribly wrong!
¡No, estás terriblemente equivocado!
So terribly right and so terribly wrong.
Tan terriblemente en lo cierto y tan terriblemente equivocado.
Darlene... is terribly wrong.
Darlene está terriblemente equivocada.
But Kanan did something terribly wrong while trying to do the right thing.
Pero Kanan hizo algo terriblemente equivocado para hacer algo correcto.
Art is supposed to bring us beauty, but just look at that semicircle of figures and you will see something has gone terribly wrong.
Se supone que el arte debe darnos belleza, pero si uno mira ese semicírculo de personajes está claro que hay algo terriblemente equivocado.
I have done something terribly wrong, Robert.
He hecho algo terriblemente equivocado, Robert.
He was wrong-terribly wrong.
Ese hombre se equivoca, está terriblemente equivocado.
“Oh, you’re all wrong! Terribly wrong.
–¡Oh, estás equivocado, terriblemente equivocado!
There was something terribly wrong, Boone told himself.
Había algo terriblemente equivocado en todo aquello, se dijo Boone.
What if she had made a terribly wrong decision?
¿Y si había tomado una decisión terriblemente equivocada?
Each was right, each wrong, ultimately so terribly wrong.
Ambos tenían razón, y ambos estaban equivocados; en definitiva, terriblemente equivocados.
“Today I was terribly stupid and terribly wrong. Will this be for the next exhibit?”
—Hoy he sido terriblemente estúpida y estaba terriblemente equivocada… ¿Será para tu próxima exposición?
All his hopes and expectations of the previous evening had proved terribly wrong.
Todas sus esperanzas y expectativas de la noche anterior habían demostrado estar terriblemente equivocadas.
Any other time they might have been right. But this time they were all terribly wrong.
En cualquier otro momento, habrían tenido razón, pero en aquella ocasión todos estaban terriblemente equivocados.
And then Ansset made a connection in his mind and realized he had been terribly, terribly wrong.
Y entonces Ansset hizo la conexión en su mente y se dio cuenta de que había estado terriblemente equivocado.
Obesity is the signal that something is terribly wrong in the policy environment.
La obesidad es una señal de que algo anda terriblemente mal en el ámbito de las políticas.
Something's terribly wrong.
Algo anda terriblemente mal.
- Something's wrong- terribly wrong.
- Algo está mal... terriblemente mal.
Something was terribly wrong.
Algo estaba terriblemente mal.
That it was terribly wrong.
Hacerlo estuvo terriblemente mal.
Something's terribly wrong, sir
Algo esta terriblemente mal, Sr.
- terribly wrong down there...
- terriblemente mal allá abajo.
Something is terribly wrong.
Algo está terriblemente mal.
Something must be terribly wrong.
Algo debe ir terriblemente mal.
Something is terribly wrong there.
Algo está terriblemente mal allí.
There was something terribly wrong.
Había algo que estaba terriblemente mal.
But something was wrong, terribly wrong.
Pero algo estaba mal, terriblemente mal.
Something had gone terribly wrong.
Algo había salido terriblemente mal.
And there was something terribly wrong with his legs.
Y había algo terriblemente mal en sus piernas.
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