Traducción para "tempting him" a español
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You could not tempt him with such a thing.
No podrías tentarle con algo así.
No, that smacked of tempting him to be unfaithful.
No, aquello equivaldría a tentarlo para que fuera infiel.
Her only hope was to tempt him to go with her.
Su única esperanza era tentarle para que se fuera con ella.
He wondered if they were trying to tempt him.
Se preguntó si estaban tratando de tentarle.
“Let me guess, for ‘tempting him,’ right?
—A ver si lo adivino: ¿por «tentarlo»?
She had no right to tempt him so—
Marcia no tenía derecho a tentarlo así…
Weren't you tempting him to go to her?
Querías tentarlo para que fuera a reunirse con ella, ¿no es así?
Mad at Mielikki for tempting him, for making him start anew.
Estaba furioso con Mielikki por tentarlo, por hacerlo empezar de nuevo.
She held a cup of coffee out of his reach, tempting him.
Le mostraba una taza de café pero lejos de su alcance, para tentarlo.
Such a cunning ploy, to tempt him with the image of his own daughter!
¡Qué ardid tan astuto, tentarlo con la imagen de su propia hija!
Not with the prizes I've offered over the years to tempt him into betraying me.
No con las recompensas que le he ofrecido estos años, tentándolo para que me traicionara.
she would say to him, tempting him, “I am only a human woman.
—Oso —decía, tentándolo—, solo soy una humana.
Innocent because it didn’t seem as though she was deliberately tempting him or intoxicating him or any such thing.
Inocente porque no parecía que a propósito estuviera tentándolo, haciéndole perder el control, o algo por el estilo.
There is a fascination to this power that draws the user in, tempting him to use it more and more often.
Su poder ejerce una fascinación que seduce a su usuario, tentándolo a servirse de ella cada vez más a menudo.
Damn! Rhyme had debated about leaving the window open, letting the curtain blow in and out, tempting him.
¡Maldita sea! Rhyme había considerado cuidadosamente si dejarla abierta, con una cortina que entrara y saliera, tentándolo.
It was the suggestion of an unenlightened being, and throughout Gotama’s life, Mara would try to impede his progress and tempt him to lower his standards.
Era la propuesta de un ser no iluminado y, a lo largo de la vida de Gotama, Māra intentaría impedir su progreso tentándole para que rebajara sus objetivos.
So he had delicately courted Oldmanter, tempting him with hints and suggestions, letting him see some of the work, grasp the possibilities.
De manera que había cortejado con delicadeza a Oldmanter, tentándolo con insinuaciones y sugerencias, dejando que viera parte del trabajo, que intuyera las posibilidades.
Satan was here and dredging up the old feelings, pushing Kyle's face in them, tempting him, trying to get him to toss away his last chance at salvation.
Satanás estaba allí sondando los antiguos sentimientos, enfrentándolo a ellos, tentándole, incitándole a desechar su última oportunidad de salvación.
Ian had been referring to Jeannie, of course—Jeannie sitting forward compellingly, the hollow deepening at the base of her throat as she tempted him from his path.
Ian se refería a Jeannie, desde luego, a Jeannie, inclinada hacia él y tentándole con aquel hoyuelo en la base del cuello.
Each tapestry could be a scene of her in the woods, tempting him with music and food and flowers, and at the end he lays his head in her lap.
Cada uno de los tapices representaría una escena de los dos en el bosque, la dama tentándolo con música y comida y flores, y al final el unicornio descansaría la cabeza en su regazo.
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