Traducción para "speaking trumpet" a español
Speaking trumpet
Ejemplos de traducción
Saltonstall called through a speaking trumpet.
—ordenó Saltonstall con una bocina.
he had to use his speaking-trumpet to be audible.
tuvo que recurrir a la bocina para que se le oyera.
He raised the speaking-trumpet and bellowed, “Rendezvous,”
Alzó la bocina y ordenó a voz en grito: —Rendez-vous. Fue en vano.
Riley was shouting through the speaking-trumpet to issue his orders.
Riley daba órdenes a gritos a través de una bocina.
Captain Barkley called through a speaking trumpet, “sheet in, if you please.”
—gritó el capitán Barkley a través de una bocina—.
“Pray make no sustained attack,” he called, through the speaking-trumpet.
—No efectuéis un ataque sostenido —voceó a través de la bocina—.
"Silence," cried Babbington, cracking him on the head with his speaking trumpet.
—¡Silencio! —gritó Babbington, pegándole con la bocina en la cabeza—.
Saltonstall barked, then took the speaking trumpet from its hook on the binnacle.
—Ladró Saltonstall; después agarró la bocina de su gancho en la bitácora.
he was shouting through a speaking-trumpet while signal-flags waved.
El monarca gritaba a través de una bocina mientras las banderas de señales transmitían el mismo mensaje.
Then she saw him and, making a speaking-trumpet of her hands, called to him. “Passed?”
Le vio, agitó los brazos e inmediatamente, haciendo bocina con las manos, preguntó: —¿Aprobado?
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