Traducción para "secure them" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
‘Then re-secure them and let’s get him up on deck.
Luego vuelve a asegurarlos y subamos a este a la cubierta.
Boats were bobbing violently at anchor, and a few of the owners had come down to secure them.
Las embarcaciones amarradas se zarandeaban violentamente y algunos patronos habían acudido a asegurarlas.
These lands were vital to his communications for the coastal march, and he was determined to secure them.
Esos territorios eran vitales para las comunicaciones en la marcha costera y Alejandro estaba decidido a asegurarlos.
Half the mutineers had decamped to the hold, where Holsten hoped there were belts and straps to secure them.
La mitad de los amotinados se habían trasladado a la bodega, donde Holsten esperaba que hubiese cinturones y correas para asegurarlos.
They shouted. They grabbed at his hands and arms and pulled them to his back before securing them with handcuffs.
Aquellos hombres gritaron, agarraron a Bishop de los brazos y las manos y se las llevaron a la espalda antes de asegurarlas con unas esposas.
Verres could fortify Messina all he liked. Other cities as well. He’d never secure them all, not with enemies within their walls as much as without. And Rome?
Verres podía fortificar Mesina todo lo que quisiera, y también otras ciudades, pero jamás podría asegurarlas todas. ¿Y Roma?
The ship tacked in, oars were shipped, ropes were swung out to young men and women who stood by to receive them and secure them to capstans.
La nave viró por avante, se desarmaron los remos y se lanzaron cuerdas a jóvenes de ambos sexos que aguardaban para asegurarlas a los cabrestantes.
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