Traducción para "regard as" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
The victim shall be regarded as:
Se considerará víctima:
These figures should therefore be regarded as being of medium quality.
Por lo tanto, hay que considerar que la calidad de esas indicaciones es mediana.
In that regard, the Commission could consider:
A ese respecto, la Comisión podría considerar:
The interference at stake cannot, therefore, be regarded as unlawful.
Por lo tanto, la injerencia en cuestión no se puede considerar ilícita.
In that sense, the ombudsman could be regarded as playing a coordinating role.
En este sentido, se puede considerar que el ombudsman es un coordinador.
A person shall be regarded as an accomplice in the crime if he:
Se considerará cómplice de un delito a todo aquel que:
The comments are not to be regarded as exhaustive.
Las observaciones no se deberán considerar de carácter exhaustivo.
In this regard, the following recommendations could be considered:
Al respecto, se podrían considerar las siguientes recomendaciones:
In this regard, the following actions could be considered:
A ese respecto, se podrían considerar las medidas siguientes:
If the vote is equally divided, the appeal is regarded as rejected.
En caso de empate, la apelación se considerará rechazada.
I am KITT, whom you may regard as the voice of the Knight 2000.
Yo soy KITT, a quien puedes considerar como la voz del Knight 2000.
The First Continental Congress resolves that a British attack On any one colony Will be regarded as an attack on all of them.
El Congreso Continental resuelve que un ataque británico a cualquier colonia se considerará como un ataque a todas ellas.
The increase and/or decrease in a nation's productivity or other such political aggregate can be regarded as the penultimate indicator of a nation...
El aumento y/o disminución de la productividad u otro agregado político similar se puede considerar como el penúltimo indicador de...
I speak on the eve of what I venture to regard as the most momentous election ever held in this country.
Les hablo en la víspera de lo que me aventuro a considerar como la elección más trascendental celebrada en este país.
I was now regarded as "educated."
Ya se me podía considerar como «educado».
I shall regard it as a great honor.
—Lo consideraré un gran honor.
You may regard yourself as cured.
Puedes considerar que estás curada.
"Yes, that's one way of regarding it.
—Sí, ese sería un modo de considerar la cuestión.
I’ll regard it as like a warning sign.
Consideraré tus palabras como un aviso.
`Yes, but not regarding university policy!' said Ridcully.
—¡Sí, pero sin considerar la política de la universidad!
He came to be regarded as a kind of god.
Se le llegó a considerar una especie de dios.
to regard Diana Duke as a materialistic maidservant;
a considerar a Diana Duke como una criada materialista;
Never is the train itself regarded as an opponent.
Nunca se debe considerar al tren como el oponente.
These enterprises are regarded as offering further training courses.
Estas empresas se consideran cursos de perfeccionamiento.
433. The following are regarded as dependent children:
433. Se consideran hijos a cargo:
Some regard it as a purely humanitarian issue.
Algunos lo consideran un problema meramente humanitario.
These impurities are regarded as achiral at present.
Actualmente esas impurezas se consideran aquirales.
Most Ecuadorians regarded themselves as mestizos.
La mayoría de ecuatorianos se consideran mestizos.
These offences are regarded as the most serious crimes in Zambia.
Esos delitos se consideran los más graves en Zambia.
These provisions are not regarded as discriminatory.
Estas disposiciones no se consideran medidas discriminatorias.
Both are regarded as financial assets.
Ambos se consideran activos financieros.
Which pupils were not regarded as "ordinary"?
Pregunta qué alumnos no se consideran "ordinarios".
They contain management information and are regarded as confidential.
Contienen "información sobre la gestión y se consideran confidenciales.
They regard it as normal.
Lo consideran normal.
They regard her as a Blackthorn.
La consideran una Blackthorn.
They regard him as a challenge.
Los consideran un desafío.
Because they regard us as inferior.
Porque nos consideran inferiores.
You regard them as irrelevant.
Ustedes las consideran irrelevantes.
So... you regard it as a joke?
—Así que… ¿lo consideran una broma?
Both of them regard me as a traitor.
Los dos me consideran una traidora.
Most of them regard themselves as virtuosos.
La mayoría se consideran virtuosos.
“Some people don’t regard it as a myth.”
—Algunas personas no lo consideran un mito.
They regard him as a god, and not without cause.
Lo consideran un dios, y no sin motivo.
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