Traducción para "perfect creature" a español
Perfect creature
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A world where you worshiped me for the perfect creature that I am--
Un mundo donde me adoraras como la criatura perfecta que soy.
The Daleks shall be made into perfect creatures.
Los Daleks tienen que convertirse en criaturas perfectas.
He is such a perfect creature, possessed with so many vital resources,
Él es tal criatura perfecta, poseído con tantos recursos vitales,
PERFECT CREATURE for 300 years these races have harmoniously lived together.
CRIATURA PERFECTA Por 300 años, las dos razas han vivido en armonía.
We're not those perfect creatures that we thought we were.
No somos esas criaturas perfectas que queríamos ser.
You'll always be in his mind. This perfect creature he loved for years.
Siempre serás la criatura perfecta que amó durante años.
I'm a perfect creature and as far as i'm concerned that's the way i'm supposed to live my life: in excellence!
Soy una criatura perfecta y por lo que a mí concierne... así es como debo vivir mi vida: ¡en excelencia!
I mean, this perfect creature who needs you, who loves you.
Esta criatura perfecta te necesita.... ...te ama.
But they're perfect creatures. And in that way,they couldn't be less human.
Pero son criaturas perfectas, y de esa manera ellas no podrían ser menos humanas.
They're perfect creatures, you know.
Saben, son criaturas perfectas.
To Sharon, a bee was a perfect creature.
Para ella, una abeja era una criatura perfecta.
With her black hair, she was the perfect creature of dusk.
Con el pelo negro, Eva era la criatura perfecta de la noche.
Despite my new clothes and hair, I was still nothing but a gangly offshoot of the perfect creature that once was.
Aun con mi nuevo look, no era más que un retoño desgarbado de la criatura perfecta de entonces.
All nonsense, of course, but to me, product of a post-peasant Catholic upbringing, they appeared perfected creatures.
Todo absurdo, claro, pero a mí, que vengo de un medio católico posrural, me parecían criaturas perfectas.
It was Nívea's opinion they had just been practicing with all their previous children in order finally to produce that perfect creature.
Nívea opinó que todos los hijos ante-riores habían sido puro entrenamiento para producir finalmente esa criatura perfecta.
Man was created the perfect creature, and not the woman with him at the same time, as happened with both sexes of other creatures;
El hombre fue creado como la criatura perfecta, y la mujer no fue creada con él al mismo tiempo, como ocurrió con ambos sexos de otras especies;
And it is wrong, I have said it is wrong in you to suppose you have met some perfect: creature and hold her up in your mind so that other women don't come to that level.'
Y es un error, ya le expliqué que usted comete un error al creer que ha encontrado una criatura perfecta, al evocarme de ese modo, al rechazar a las demás mujeres porque no alcanzan el mismo nivel.
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