Traducción para "of sequestration" a español
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To cancel the sequestration is not possible.
Anular el secuestro, no es posible.
The sequestration, I repeat, is registered.
El secuestro, repito, está registrado.
But you were prepared to rescind the sequestration.
Pero os ofrecisteis a anular el secuestro.
The sequestration has been effected and registered.
El secuestro se ha verificado y consta en los registros.
To the Honourable the Commissioners for Sequestration at Haberdashers’ Hall
A la Honorable Comisión para Secuestros en Haberdasher’s Hall
This description of seizure was termed sequestration of the person.
A esa clase de detención se la llamaba «secuestro de la persona».
Wilde systematically charts the painting’s ritual sequestration.
Wilde traza de modo sistemático el secuestro ritual del cuadro.
I hadn't heard of the sequestration of Chavaray; though, of course, it was to be expected.
No me había enterado del secuestro de Chavaray, aunque, naturalmente, era de esperar.
High Romantic solipsism becomes Late Romantic sequestration, not of the object (as in Balzac) but of the subject.
El solipsismo del Alto Romanticismo pasa a convertirse en secuestro tardorromántico, no del objeto (como en Balzac) sino del sujeto.
Wilde’s witticisms operate by systematic “cutting,” separating the self from communality and withdrawing it into aristocratic sequestration.
Las ocurrencias de Wilde operan «cortando» sistemáticamente, separando el yo de la comunidad y aislándolo en un secuestro aristocrático.
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