Traducción para "narrow minded" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
This was an obsessed, narrow-minded man.
Era un hombre obsesionado e intolerante.
“That’s pretty narrow-minded,” Virginia fired back, showing surprising maturity.
—Qué intolerante —replicó Virginia dando muestras de una madurez sorprendente—.
Was it possible, in fact, that he was being too rigid, too moralistic, too narrow-minded?
¿Y si Liam era demasiado rígido, demasiado moralizador, demasiado intolerante?
As the subject who was experiencing it, it appeared to me that, all of a sudden, I had become extremely narrow-minded.
Como el sujeto que lo experimentaba, se me hizo aparente que de pronto yo me había vuelto muy intolerante.
'I had forgotten how narrow-minded you truly are, Mother," Norma said in a level tone.
—Había olvidado lo intolerante que llegas a ser, madre —dijo Norma con serenidad—.
“Families,” sighed Firdaus Noman in despair, “are the narrow-minded, low-grade cause of all the discontent on earth.”
—Las familias —suspiró Firdaus Noman desesperada— son la causa intolerante y lamentable de todo el descontento de la tierra.
And the only way this mean-spirited and narrow-minded fool can seem to do that is by tearing down Vinnengael.
Y de la única forma que este necio intolerante y ruin parece saber hacerlo es destruyendo Vinnengael.
I simply will not be connected with all that narrow-minded, bigoted, superstitious, and totally unnecessary crap.
Dicho sencillamente, me niego a mantener contacto alguno con esa basura para estrechos de mente, para intolerantes, para supersticiosos, y que, además, no sirve absolutamente de nada.
Suma saw the man as petty and narrow-minded.
A Suma aquel hombre le parecía insignificante y limitado.
You are considered a man of the world and I am considered narrow-minded and limited.
A usted se le considera un hombre de mundo y a mí un estrecho de miras y un limitado.
And what could the police, with their big boots and their narrow minds, understand of the affairs of people like them?
¿Y cómo podía la Policía, con sus zapatones y sus mentes limitadas, comprender las historias de su mundo?
He thought again that to see Beuna as an obstacle was only one narrow-minded way of looking at her.
Nuevamente pensó en que ver a Beuna como un obstáculo sólo era un modo muy limitado de considerarla.
Well, he’s a narrow-minded, fanatical old curmudgeon who always votes against us and has his knife into the “château people”— meaning us—for refusing to call him in.
Es un hombre limitado y sectario, que vota siempre contra nosotros y que no nos perdona que le hayamos negado la clientela del castillo.
‘People like that are so narrow-minded and petty. They have no respect for other cultures or human diversity.’ Mellberg nodded at his own statements.
—Esa gente tiene una mentalidad tan limitada… Son gente insignificante que no respeta otras culturas ni las diferencias entre los hombres. Mellberg asintió, conforme con sus propias palabras.
You will find in the History of the Church, by Monsignor Duchesne -- Vol. I, page 162 -- that this proud and narrow-minded demiurge is named Ialdabaoth.
La Historia de la Iglesia, escrita por monseñor Duchesne, te dirá en la página ciento sesenta y dos del tomo primero que ese demiurgo soberbio y limitado se llama Ialdabaoth.
Patrik was itching to remind his boss how narrow-minded he used to be, throwing out comments that the Friends of Sweden would undoubtedly have approved of.
Patrik se moría literalmente de ganas de recordarle lo limitado que era él no hacía mucho. Algunos de los comentarios que iba soltando por ahí habrían ganado el aplauso de Amigos de Suecia.
'What's parochial a man asked, and a woman replied: 'Catholic,' and Afanasi corrected her: 'It can mean Catholic, you're right, but in another sense it can also mean narrow-minded or limited.'
-preguntó un hombre. - Católica -respondió una mujer. Y Afanasi corrigió: - Puede significar católica, es cierto, pero en otro sentido es también algo limitado, de miras estrechas.
A nobleman, Carl von Endern, happening to see the Aurora, was so impressed with its unique value that he had several copies made. By accident one of them fell into the hands of Gregory Richter, the Lutheran pastor of Goerlitz, a narrow-minded bigot lacking spiritual insight. He was so exasperated at the idea of a poor shoemaker knowing more of God’s dealings than himself, an ordained priest, that henceforth he became Boehme’s bitterest enemy. He publicly denounced him as a most dangerous heretic, insulted him in every possible way, and threatened to have him imprisoned. Boehme was brought before the City Council, who ordered him to leave tho town forthwith. The following day they rescinded the order but confiscated the manuscript of his Aurora, at the same time telling him to stick to his last and write no more books.
Sob sua tutela, Böehme adquiriu confiança em suas próprias percepções espirituais e com o tempo começou a escrever, de início somente para seu próprio aperfeiçoamento, o seu primeiro volume "A Aurora Nascente" foi completado em 1612. Cópias desta obra circularam sem a permissão de Böehme e afrontou o novo Pastor de Gorlitz, Gregory Richter, que havia então substituído Möller. Richter era de uma disposição totalmente oposta a Möller, sendo limitado, ortodoxo e temeroso de qualquer coisa que não estava de acordo com os ensinamentos Luteranos. Ele denunciou Böehme como um herético e incitou tamanha corrente de oposição na paróquia que Böehme foi temporariamente banido da cidade.
"No," she said honestly, "narrow-minded and vindictive."
– No -dijo sinceramente-, de miras estrechas y vengativo.
“That is narrow-minded of you, McKenna,” came her gentle rebuke.
—Esta actitud es de miras estrechas, McKenna —fue el suave reproche—.
In whose estimation? Silly, narrow-minded, blind humans like Jessica or Ms. Cope?
¿Según quién? ¿Humanos bobos de miras estrechas como Jessica o la señora Cope?
Only those with narrow minds fail to see that the definition of Impossible is 'Lack of imagination and incentive.'
Solo aquellas personas de miras estrechas no se dan cuenta de que la definición de imposible es falta de imaginación y estímulo.
In regard to many things … For instance, the management—very narrow-minded—wouldn’t give him any more certain young men’s parts.
Hablamos de muchas cosas… Por ejemplo, de que la dirección de la compañía —gente de miras estrechas— se negaba a seguir dándole ciertos papeles de personajes jóvenes.
He wandered over to investigate the ticket window, not at all put off by the grime. “As a history buff, she was an invaluable source, but narrow-minded. I didn’t like her all that much.”
—Se acercó a la taquilla para husmear un poco, en absoluto inhibido por la mugre—. Como entusiasta de la historia, era una fuente inapreciable de datos, aunque de miras estrechas. No me caía demasiado bien.
This was the time of the rise to power of the cult of the Weepers, the narrow-minded fanatics of whom Ago would say to il Machia, under his breath, that they might have been born Florentines but when the baptismal water hit their heads it must have boiled off before it could anoint them, because they were all blazing with hellfire heat.
Fue la época en que accedió al poder la secta de los Plañideros, unos fanáticos de miras estrechas sobre quienes Ago diría a Il Machia, en voz queda, que por muy florentinos de nacimiento que fueran, cuando el agua bautismal tocó sus cabezas, debió de hervir antes de ungirlos, porque todos estaban que ardían por el fuego del infierno.
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