Traducción para "mother would" a español
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No mother would do that intentionally.
Ninguna madre lo haría intencionadamente.
My mother would be, if she knew I was here
—Mi madre lo haría, si supiera que estoy aquí…
How can she explain that the constant proximity of the mother would throw her back, into her weaknesses, her immaturity?
¿Cómo explicarle que la constante proximidad de la madre la haría retroceder a sus debilidades, a su inmadurez?
He’d go out to the bathroom so that maybe his mother would ask fewer questions when he returned.
Decidió ir al baño. De ese modo, tal vez su madre le haría menos preguntas cuando volviese.
Whatever you’re planning—and I can’t read your mind—as soon as you tried to put it into action Mother would take over.
Sea lo que fuere lo que estás planeando (y yo no puedo leer tu mente), en cuanto intentaras llevarlo a la práctica, mi madre se haría cargo.
I should think that my mother would recall you in disgrace if she thought that I was a virgin and you did not even know.
Creo que mi madre os haría caer en desgracia si descubriera que yo sigo siendo virgen y vos ni siquiera lo sabíais.
The draw of fighting with men who hadn’t run away from the Carthaginians was too great, especially when compared to helping run the family farm, which is what his mother would have him do.
El atractivo de luchar con hombres que no habían huido de los cartagineses resultaba demasiado grande, sobre todo en comparación con ayudar a llevar la finca de la familia, que es lo que su madre le haría hacer.
Without in any way criticizing the level of commitment that Pilar has taken on since her father’s death or the romantic side of the whole thing, he has to point out to him that as well as the fact that he’s free and shouldn’t let himself be conditioned by others, it’s very difficult to make a health center profitable while at the same time practicing medicine properly, and as if that weren’t enough, the clinic’s full of old sharks and his mother would be better off getting as far away from them as possible. In fact, it’s just occurred to him that he wouldn’t put it past those cold-hearted jerks to dump a corpse on Pilar’s operating table in the hopes of getting her out of the picture.
Sin restarle méritos al compromiso que Pilar ha asumido tras la muerte de su padre, valorando lo que tiene de romántica lucha, le tiene que decir (además de que es libre y no debe dejarse presionar por nada) que resulta difícil rentabilizar un centro sanitario practicando una medicina honrada y que, por si fuera poco, la clínica está llena de viejos tiburones de los que su madre mejor haría en huir. De hecho, se le acaba de pasar por la cabeza la idea de que esos sinvergüenzas podrían recurrir a ponerle un cadáver en la mesa de quirófano para quitársela de en medio, pero, obviamente, eso no se lo va a decir.
What mother would do that?
¿Qué madre haría eso?
Sounds like something my mother would do.
Suena como algo que mi madre haría.
What kind of a mother would do that?
¿Qué clase de madre haría eso?
He was lying on his back, cradling the Amulet of Samarkand in his grubby mitts as a mother would her baby.
Estaba tumbado de espaldas, acunando el amuleto de Samarkanda entre sus mugrientas manazas como una madre haría con su bebé.
Her mother would find a less than flattering diagnosis for Max, and dispatch Minoo to a psychiatric ward for adolescents.
Su madre haría un diagnóstico nada favorable y obligaría a Minoo a vivir en la consulta de la sección de psiquiatría infantil.
“I find it hellish growing old, Patch,” complained Dagnarus, from the ancient vantage point of his ten years. “If I were little, I could throw a tantrum and bawl my eyes out and Mother would do anything I asked.
—Es horroroso hacerse mayor, Parche —protestó el príncipe desde la provecta experiencia de sus diez años—. Si fuera pequeño, armaría una pataleta y berrearía, y mi madre haría cualquier cosa que le pidiera.
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