Traducción para "loving husband" a español
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Then why you don't talk to your loving husband.
O tal vez lo hablas con tu amado esposo.
Strayger David S. Loving husband and father 1952 - 1988
'Your loving husband, Edward Sexby.'
"Tu amado esposo, Edward Sexby."
Is that any way to greet your loving husband?
¿Esas son maneras de saludar a tu amado esposo?
You can tell my loving husband I'll be in the car.
Puedes decirle a mi amado esposo que estaré en el coche.
Your loving husband, Frederick.
Tu amado esposo, Frederick.
Do your loving husband a favor.
Hazle a tu amado esposo un favor.
Her loved husband's murder connected them, Reid!
¡El asesinato de su amado esposo los conecta, Reid!
And her loving husband has put his signature and seal to it.
Y su amado esposo firmó y selló este trato.
“She just doesn’t want to lose her loving husband,” said Stone cheerfully.
—No quiere perder a su amado esposo —bromeó Stone.
There was the usual roll call of names – Augustus, Loving ­Husband of . Evangeline, Devoted Wife.
Debajo, la acostumbrada lista de nombres: Augustus, amado esposo de… Evangeline, devota esposa.
She looked up to the sky and thought of her loving husband and children and hoped only that they wouldn’t meet similar ends.
Miró al cielo y pensó en sus amados esposo e hijos, y esperó que no encontraran un final similar.
They all made their money speculating in food like your loving husband or out of dubious government contracts or in shady ways that won’t bear investigation.” “I don’t believe it.
Todos hacen dinero especulando en alimentos como tu amado esposo, o fuera de los cauces legales, o por caminos oscuros que no admiten un estudio detenido. –No puedo creerlo;
But the word was poor Betty was suffering from dementia and her loving husband, being the kind of man he was, had given up full-time work in order to devote himself more fully to care for the woman he loved, and who had sacrificed so much for him.
Pero se sabía que la pobre Betty sufría demencia senil y que su amado esposo, por ser el tipo de hombre que era, había dejado de trabajar a tiempo completo para dedicarse más plenamente a cuidar a la mujer que amaba y que había sacrificado tanto por él.
A loving husband changed you.
Un esposo amoroso la hubiera cambiado.
Everyone was safe. And Crabman would never again have to pretend to be anyone other than who he was- a loving husband, a great father... and one of the best friends I ever had.
Todos estaban a salvo, y Hombre Cangrejo nunca más tendría que fingir ser otro hombre más que el que era, un esposo amoroso y un gran padre y uno de los mejores amigos que he tenido.
He was a good man, a loving husband, and arguably one of the greatest...
Él era un buen hombre, un esposo amoroso, y podría decirse que uno de los más grandes...
And this one will make a lovely husband.
Este será un esposo amoroso.
Only now he's the loving husband your mom wished for.
Sólo que ahora es el esposo amoroso que tu mamá deseó.
And, on top of that, you allowed Amy's parents... Her friends, all the people in your hometown... Believe you were a loving husband, desperate to find his missing wife.
Además, permitiste que los padres de Amy sus amigos, toda la gente de tu pueblo natal creyera que eras un esposo amoroso que buscaba desesperadamente a su mujer.
- I look at this beautiful home, that loving husband, that gorgeous child, and I can't imagine what you've got to be so down in the mouth about.
- Miro esta hermosa casa ese esposo amoroso, ese maravilloso hijo y no puedo entender qué te tiene tan deprimida.
But he's also a loving husband.
Pero también es un amante esposo.
He was a loving husband and father,
Él era un amante esposo y padre,
Hi, honey, this is your loving husband.
Hola, cariño, esta es tu amante esposo.
Your loving husband, Paul.
Tu amante esposo, Paul".
From your awesome, loving husband, John Suh.
Desde do Impresionante, amante Esposo, John Suh.
I've had five loving husbands.
He tenido cinco amantes esposos.
Where were you, her loving husband, where were you?
¿Dónde estabas, amante esposo?
He was a loving husband, father.
Él era un amante esposo, un padre.
Your loving husband, Matthew.
Tu amante esposo, Matthew».
Your ever-loving husband, JOE IV
Tu siempre amante esposo, Joe. IV
Signed, your loving husband (or employee), Mitchell Courtenay.
Firmado, tu amante esposo (o empleado), Mitchell Courtenay.
Write soon. Ever your loving husband, JOE
Escribe pronto. Tu siempre amante esposo, Joe.
Devoted husband. Loving husband.” The haunted look returned to his eyes.
Devoto y amante esposo. —La mirada de angustia volvió a sus ojos—.
and you will be a good citizen, a loving husband, and a tender father—a noble, pious man.
serán gentes de bien, amantes esposos y tiernos padres, hombres nobles y dignos.
“I thought you could be my loyal, mature, and loving husband.” “Fabulous.
—Había pensado que podría usted ser mi fiel, maduro y amante esposo. —Fabuloso.
Nor was he the loving husband a woman could enjoy through long winter days.
No era el amante esposo con el que una mujer pudiera pasarlo bien los largos días de invierno.
‘You are not the only woman who cannot deal with her servants,’ was what her loving husband said to her.
—No eres la única mujer que no ha sabido dominar al servicio —fue el comentario de su amante esposo—.
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