Traducción para "looking thoughtfully" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
Singing Wolf paused, looking thoughtfully into the distance.
– Lobo que Canta hizo una pausa mirando pensativamente a lo lejos-.
Major Blunt remained very quiet, looking thoughtfully at her.
El comandante permaneció inmóvil, mirando pensativamente a la dama.
She went down the steps and stood looking thoughtfully at the stranger.
Bajó los escalones y se quedó mirando pensativamente al forastero.
"Five thousand is a lot of money," Spade commented, looking thoughtfully at Cairo. "It—"
—Cinco mil dólares es mucho dinero —comentó Spade, mirando pensativamente a Cairo—.
He had been seen standing in front of his shop looking thoughtfully up at the tree.
Había sido visto en pie frente a su tienda mirando pensativamente hacia lo alto del árbol.
Her legs were spraddled apart as she slouched back in her chair and looked thoughtfully at what I assumed were releases.
Estaba sentada hacia atrás, las piernas abiertas, mirando pensativamente lo que supuse eran permisos de venta.
    Cadsuane had been looking thoughtfully at the door that had closed behind Merean and Larelle, but she turned a piercing gaze on Moiraine.
Cadsuane se había quedado mirando pensativamente la puerta por la que habían salido Merean y Larelle, pero volvió los ojos hacia Moraine con una mirada taladradora.
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