Traducción para "legitimate representative" a español
Legitimate representative
Ejemplos de traducción
The body also appoints the party a temporary representative in the event that the interests of the party and those of the legitimate representative are at odds, and in the event that opposing parties have the same legitimate representative.
El órgano también designa un representante temporal de la parte en caso de conflicto de intereses entre los intereses de la parte y los del representante legítimo y en el caso de partes opuestas que tengan el mismo representante legítimo.
653. Parties that do not have procedural capacity are represented by their legitimate representatives.
653. Las partes que no tengan capacidad de obrar serán representadas por sus representantes legítimos.
That Government was the only legitimate representative of the People's Republic of China.
Ese Gobierno es el único representante legítimo de la República Popular China.
Beijing was the sole legitimate representative of the people of China.
Beijing es el único representante legítimo del pueblo de China.
The Coalition was the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
La Coalición era la representante legítima del pueblo sirio.
380. A child's tutor is his legitimate representative in all civil transactions.
380. El tutor es el representante legítimo del menor en todos los negocios civiles.
They must be chosen by the indigenous communities concerned in order to be their legitimate representatives.
Deben ser elegidos por las comunidades indígenas interesadas a fin de que sean sus representantes legítimos.
Parties that do not have the capacity to sue are represented by their legitimate representative.
Las partes que no tengan capacidad procesal serán representadas por sus representantes legítimos.
When such an approach is taken, indigenous peoples will themselves identify their legitimate representatives.
Cuando se adopta este enfoque, los propios pueblos indígenas designarán a sus representantes legítimos.
That Government was the only legitimate representative of the people of China.
Ese Gobierno es el único representante legítimo del pueblo de China.
Without admitting that those decision-makers are the legitimate representatives of the People—" but without admitting that they aren't, either! "—we can't deny the objective reality that they are making the decisions at this moment.
Si no admitimos que los responsables de la toma de decisiones son los representantes legítimos del pueblo —¡pero como no lo admitamos tampoco lo serán!—, no podremos negar la realidad objetiva de que son ellos los que están tomando esas decisiones en este momento.
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