Traducción para "it was so nice" a español
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Now, that was not so nice. That wasn’t nice at all.
Vaya, eso no era tan agradable. No era nada agradable.
some parts of his body are so nice and soft; I could bite them.
Algunas partes de su cuerpo son tan lindas y tiernas… Lo mordería».
"Sebastian, it's so nice and warm and cozy to feel your body and I thought you'd never be at the station.
—Sebastián, es tan lindo y tibio y grato sentir tu cuerpo y pensé que no aparecerías en la estación.
She looked so nice, so immaculate and so pretty that he started to his feet with that well-known gleam in his eyes that wives quickly recognise.
Estaba tan encantadora, tan inmaculada y tan linda que se puso de pie, con esa mirada en los ojos que las mujeres enseguida reconocen.
It would be so nice to be wanted by someone with the courage to get his hat or stay as he damn pleased, and who gave her credit for the same.
Sería tan lindo ser deseada por alguien que tuviera el coraje de ponerse el sombrero y marcharse o quedarse si se le daba la gana y que le reconociera a ella el mismo derecho.
But an enormously fat lady, sinking puffingly into one of the Ingleside easy-chairs, sighed, and said sadly that the springs weren’t so nice as they were when she was young.
Pero una señora enormemente gorda, hundida en uno de los silloncitos de Ingleside, jadeante, suspiraba y decía con tristeza que las primaveras no eran tan lindas ahora como cuando ella era joven.
"You see!" cried the woman. "He's that pig-headed!" "And she's so nice, and she laughs, and she hasn't even got a name," crooned Ursula to the child. "Let me hold her," she added.
–¡Ves! –exclamó la mujer–. ¡Es un cabezón! –Y ella es tan linda, y se ríe, y ni siquiera tiene nombre –dijo Ursula, hablando a la niña con voz suave–. Déjeme cogerla –añadió.
You've always been so nice .
Siempre has sido tan agradable
It was so nice to be out in the air.
Era tan agradable estar tomando el aire.
“He’s so nice, Robert.
—Es un hombre tan agradable, Robert.
Granger had seemed so nice.
Granger parecía tan agradable.
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