Traducción para "is that identifies" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
The soldier was identified by V030A.
V030A identificó al soldado.
This shall identify the holder of the account;
Identifica al titular de la cuenta;
The woman identified herself as American.
La mujer se identificó como estadounidense.
Identifies bulk explosives
Identifica los explosivos a granel
The vendor was subsequently identified.
Posteriormente se identificó al proveedor.
It identified 36 such actions.
Identificó 36 medidas con ese fin.
The perpetrators were not identified.
No se identificó a los agresores.
Not a direct cost; not directly identified with a single programme, but identified with two or more programmes or projects
No es un gasto directo; no se identifica directamente con un único programa, sino que se identifica con dos o más programas o proyectos
No subject was identified.
No se identificó a ningún sospechoso.
Debate is identified with dissent, which is in turn identified with disloyalty.
El debate se identifica con la disidencia, que a su vez se identifica con la deslealtad.
Karrde identified it.
lo identificó Karrde.
He identifies himself as “we.”
Se identifica como «nosotros».
Because I identify with him,
—Porque me identifico con él.
She identified each one of them.
Los identificó a todos.
“You identify all that much with her?”
—¿Tanto te identificas con ella?
Simon identified himself.
– Simon se identificó.
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