Traducción para "is quite obvious" a español
Is quite obvious
Ejemplos de traducción
This conclusion seems to be quite obvious, since all three mechanisms have been established by the Council acting on the recommendation of the very same body, i.e. the Commission on Human Rights.
Esta conclusión parece bastante obvia, puesto que los tres mecanismos fueron establecidos por el Consejo por recomendación del mismo órgano, a saber, la Comisión de Derechos Humanos.
The implications of this for children are quite obvious and enormous.
Las consecuencias que ello tendrá para los niños son bastante obvias y gigantescas.
The fact that the Eritrean authorities are thus continuing to commit a crime by killing all chances for peace is quite obvious and can hardly be missed by observers with any sense of objectivity.
Así pues, resulta bastante obvio que las autoridades eritreas siguen cometiendo un delito al excluir cualquier oportunidad para lograr la paz, hecho este que resulta difícil que pasen por alto los observadores con sentido de la objetividad.
If the Panel found that Iraq was not liable for the [amount] of the adjustments, it is quite obvious to [Iraq] that there is no basis for holding Iraq liable for the loss that may have been caused to the Government by using KIA funds for making payments of this size.
Si el Grupo estimó que el Iraq no era responsable por [la cantidad de] los ajustes, para [el Iraq] es bastante obvio que no hay fundamento alguno para que se le considere responsable de la pérdida que podría haber causado al Gobierno la utilización de los fondos del KIA en pagos de esa magnitud.
In this context, it is quite obvious, as the preamble of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons clearly indicates, that the first step we have to make is the cessation of the manufacture of nuclear weapons.
En este contexto, es bastante obvio, como se indica claramente en el preámbulo del Tratado sobre la no proliferación de las armas nucleares, que la primera medida que debemos adoptar es la cesación de la fabricación de armas nucleares.
However, it is quite obvious that the quality of such a response still needs further improvement.
Sin embargo, resulta bastante obvio que hay que mejorar aún más la calidad de esa respuesta.
It would therefore seem quite obvious that we should ask ourselves two fundamental questions.
Por consiguiente, parecería bastante obvia la necesidad de que nos hiciéramos dos preguntas fundamentales.
It has become quite obvious that true comprehensive reforms aimed at rendering the Security Council more efficient and more effective are impossible without resolving the problems of its size and equitable composition.
Se ha vuelto bastante obvio que es imposible lograr reformas verdaderamente amplias destinadas a que el Consejo de Seguridad sea más eficiente y eficaz si no se resuelven los problemas relativos a su tamaño y a su composición equitativa.
The answer is quite obvious.
La respuesta es bastante obvia.
The interface is quite obvious in the area of good governance, where the development and security agendas converge.
La interrelación es bastante obvia en el ámbito de la buena gobernanza, donde convergen los programas de desarrollo y de seguridad.
It is quite obvious what your inferior cousin is doing.
Es bastante obvio lo que su primo inferior está haciendo.
But it is quite obvious that you're pregnant.
Pero es bastante obvio que está embarazada.
Well, the cause of death is quite obvious.
Bueno, la causa de su muerte es bastante obvia.
It is quite obvious that this guy will kill me.
Es bastante obvio que este tipo me va a matar.
It is quite obvious to anyone who has seen you, if you wished to earn money by selling your body, you could have made very large sums of money.
Es bastante obvio para cualquiera que lo mire, que si quería vender su cuerpo, podría haber ganado grandes sumas de dinero.
It is quite obvious that your mother and I ...
Es bastante obvio que tu madre y yo...
I think the answer to that is quite obvious.
—Creo que la respuesta es bastante obvia.
All that had been quite obvious all along.
Sí, todo eso había sido bastante obvio desde el principio.
Which was quite obvious to me, and he noticed. “What?”
Lo cual resultaba bastante obvio para mí, y él se dio cuenta— ¿Qué?
It seemed quite obvious to us that your father had been unfairly treated.
Nos resultó bastante obvio que tu padre había sido tratado con desconsideración.
Carroll’s sexual ambiguity is not textually overt, but it is quite obvious in his life.
La ambigüedad sexual de Carroll no es evidente en sus textos, pero es bastante obvia en su vida.
I think it is quite obvious that the prosecution is attempting to intimidate Mr. Roman.
—Creo que resulta bastante obvio que la fiscalía está intentando intimidar al señor Roman.
It was quite obvious that Fred Blake was much taken with the huge Dane. Dr.
Era bastante obvio que Fred Blake simpatizaba fuertemente con el gigante danés. El Dr.
He never lived in Russia as it is now, which is quite obvious, he's quite the European, really, but only a Russian could play like that."
Nunca ha vivido en la Rusia actual, lo que es bastante obvio; se nota que es europeo, claro, pero insisto en que sólo un ruso puede tocar de esa forma.
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