Traducción para "informs him" a español
Informs him
Ejemplos de traducción
Chiu Somebody informed him
Chiu, alguien le informó.
[Mr. Lee] Someone informed him of our presence.
Alguien le informó de nuestra presencia.
It's vital that someone informs him.
Es vital que se le informe.
I informed him that the warrants were outstanding.
- Le informé que tenía multas sin pagar.
When I informed him of the second Calthrop.
Cuando le informé sobre el segundo Calthrop.
- I informed him of my rights.
- Le informé de mis derechos.
I informed him of Neeley's death.
Le informé de la muerte de Neeley.
Someone inform him this is a parade.
Que alguien le informe que esto es un desfile.
I've cautioned him, informed him of his rights.
Le hice la advertencia, le informé sus derechos.
She informed him of the details;
Le informó de los detalles;
That doesn't count, Sean informed him.
—Eso no cuenta —le informó Sean—.
‘Activated,’ Ripley informed him.
—Activado —le informó Ripley—.
“My parents are here,” she informed him.
—Están mis padres —le informó.
‘Brenjit Nessel,’ she informed him.
—Brenjit Nessel —le informó—.
'It's the same,' Kathy informed him.
—Es lo mismo —le informó Kathy—.
‘Nothing major,’ Dallas informed him.
—Nada importante —le informó Dallas.
Jolanda informed him of the dismal discovery.
Yolanda le informó de su hallazgo.
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