Traducción para "i respect him" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
I respected him, so I never spoke of it again.
Yo lo respeto por lo que nunca hable sobre eso de nuevo.
I may not agree with all of his choices, but I respect him.
Tal vez no esté de acuerdo con todas sus decisiones, pero yo lo respeto.
I understand, Just tell him how much I respect him.
Comprendo, dígale cuánto yo lo respeto.
I respect him, but there's no definitive proof.
Yo lo respeto, pero no hay evidencias definitivas.
He was good to me, and I respect him.
Era bueno conmigo, y yo lo respeto.
I respect you, I respect him.
Te respeto, yo lo respeto.
Now, he could afford it, but he knew what he'd destroy. And I respect him for that.
Pudo haber luchado, pero no quiso y yo lo respeto.
Because you admire him, I respect him more.
Porque usted lo admira. Yo lo respeto más.
'I respect him,' Marco said.
Lo respeto —confesó Marco—.
I may not want to be married to him but I respect him.
No puedo desear estar casada con él, pero lo respeto.
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