Traducción para "i have had" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
I have had hair...
Yo he tenido pelo--
Well, I have had enough!
¡Bien, yo he tenido bastante!
I have had a long, long week.
Yo he tenido una semana muy larga, muy larga.
and never know the happiness I have had.
y nunca conocieron la felicidad que yo he tenido.
I have had many brides.
Yo he tenido muchas esposas.
Look, I have had a lot of crazy sex.
Mira, yo he tenido mucho sexo loco.
I have had visions.
Yo he tenido visiones.
I have had the ultimate experience, with you guys.
Yo he tenido la ultima experiencia con vosotros, chicos.
I like... I have had sex before, you know?
Yo... he tenido sexo antes, ¿sabes?
I have had a couple of scrapes myself.
Yo he tenido un par de rasguños graves.
I have had an Opening.
He tenido una Revelación.
I have had a revelation.
¡He tenido una iluminación!
I have had a thought—”
He tenido esa idea.
I have had an accident.
He tenido un accidente.
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